6.28 afternoon pie ideas:

Today's pie market is still in a shock repair market. It started to rise from the low of 61400 in the morning to the current intraday high of 62200. The pie long orders we arranged in the morning also successfully snacked more than 500 points of space, and Ethereum simultaneously took 40 points of space. Many strategies are given in advance, but the most important thing is to grasp the direction, entry point, and exit point. If you can't grasp it, you might as well find the second uncle. There is a teacher's v in the lower left corner of the table. The current price ratio is around 61600.

From the current trend, the bullish momentum is insufficient. The breakout in the morning did not form a strong momentum and started to fall directly. From the hourly line, kdj has formed a dead cross, and the long and short positions have begun to switch. The positive column turns into a negative column, proving that we can directly enter the market in the afternoon.

Pie ideas: short near 61700, target 60600

Ether ideas: short near 3460, target 3400