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🔥The US PCE data for May will be released at 8:30 tonight, and the Fed's rate cut rhythm may change 🔥

At 8:30 tonight, the United States will release the highly anticipated PCE price index for May, which is the "gold standard" for the Fed to judge inflation trends.

The PCE index covers a wide range of areas from housing, medical care to gasoline, and financial services, of which the four core areas account for as much as 55%. Recently, the prices of second-hand houses, US oil, and the number of used car insurance contracts in the United States have all declined, indicating that PCE may fall in May.

The market predicts that PCE will fall to 2.6% in May, down 0.2 percentage points from 2.8% in April. If the data is in line with expectations or lower, it will be a positive for risky assets, and the Fed's rate cut rhythm may also change.

Tonight, the market will hold its breath for the release of this key data!

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#美国PCE数据将公布 #美联储何时降息?