#FLOKI $FLOKI 1000FLOKI market in-depth analysis

The 1-hour level clearly points to the short side, but the mysterious purple signal appears at the 2-hour level, indicating that the market may be about to change. At the longer 4-hour level, the bulls have already taken the dominant position.

Today, the market's focus will undoubtedly be on the long-short turning point at the 4-hour level, that is, whether the price can successfully stand at the key position of 0.17038.

When the price goes down, we need to pay attention to those solid support levels, which are 0.16803, 0.16522 and 0.16276, which will be important supports for price rebounds. If you need to analyze the copycat points, search 👉 public account/account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

However, once the price starts to rise, the points that were previously regarded as resistance, such as 0.17393, 0.17784 and 0.18129, will become new pressure points, and they will become obstacles to further price increases.

In short-term operations, we need to be vigilant at all times and constantly evaluate the comparative changes in long and short forces in order to make the right decisions at critical moments.

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