Coin circle celebrity Liang Xi sentenced to two years in prison

Recently, Liang Xi, a well-known coin circle celebrity, was prosecuted for a fraud case and was eventually sentenced to two years in prison. It is reported that Liang Xi sold his personal Weibo account but did not deliver the money after receiving it, involving an amount of 10,000 oil. This behavior violated the law and eventually forced him to face two years in prison.

Although Liang Xi returned all the stolen money after the incident, he only received a one-month reduction in sentence. Due to the severe crackdown on fraud crimes in Zhejiang Province, he failed to get a chance to suspend his sentence and had to serve two years in prison.

Two years later, Liang Xi's name may gradually fade from the memory of the coin circle, just like some of the past Internet celebrities such as Cai Shu and Da Shi, who were submerged by the torrent of time. According to the speed at which the coin circle eliminates "leeks", within two years, it is estimated that few people will remember Liang Xi, the former top streamer and genius trader known as a god.

The cruel reality of the market is regrettable, and the life cycle of many investors often does not exceed a few months.
