Lista DAO — an open-source liquidity protocol for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain designed to help you earn yields on your crypto assets and borrow a decentralized stablecoin called lisUSD.

You now can stake your BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB or to borrow lisUSD using a range of decentralized collateralized assets and their corresponding LST.

1- A Liquidity Protocol:

You can deposit your crypto assets such as BNB, ETH, and Stablecoins into the protocol and start earning interest or yields on them.

2- Collateralized Crypto Assets:

When you deposit your crypto assets, they are used as collateral. This means you can borrow against these assets - isn't that great?

3- Decentralized Stablecoin (lisUSD):

A stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency that is designed to maintain a stable value, often linked to a fiat currency like the US dollar. lisUSD is called a "Destablecoin," emphasizing its decentralized nature.

Let’s come to the hottest news in town!


From July 24, you can convert your LISTA tokens to veLISTA to supercharge your voting power and claim a share of the protocol's revenues.

This means you'll have a say in the future direction of the protocol and enjoy a piece of the earnings after operating expenses are covered.

Are you ready to make your tokens work for you like never before?


Get ready for the veLISTA launch! But just before the launch LISTA token holders have the opportunity to stake their tokens to the Listapie platform and earn amazing rewards such as Lista stardust, Listapie airdrop, and Listapie IDO Quota for early-stage project investments.

There's also a special event on the Galxe platform with 5,000 USDT in rewards for LISTA token holders — I am sure you are not going to miss it!

And, let’s not forget about slisBNB - BNB's yielding and liquid staking token

Currently, there are 394,000 BNBs staked on Lista DAO, totaling about $225 million. And there's more - slisBNB has numerous use cases within the BNB chain's ecosystem. The excitement is building up!


1- Earning Yields

When you deposit your crypto assets, they are used for different DeFi activities such as lending, staking, and providing liquidity in various pools.

The great part is that you can earn interest or yields on your deposited assets as a result. Happy investing!

2- Borrowing lisUSD:

By using your deposited crypto assets as collateral, you can borrow lisUSD.

For instance, if you have deposited ETH, you can easily borrow lisUSD against the value of your ETH with confidence.

3- Collateral-Backed:

Similar to how MakerDAO operates with DAI, Lista DAO ensures that each lisUSD is backed by collateral in the form of crypto assets.

This guarantees the stability and trustworthiness of lisUSD.


The functions of $LISTA are as follows:

1- $LISTA token holders have the power to vote on protocol governance decisions.

2- By borrowing lisUSD against collaterals or participating in liquidity farming in the lisUSD and slisBNB pool, users can earn LISTA tokens as rewards.

3- Users can lock their LISTA tokens as veLISTA to exercise their voting rights for minting lisUSD and providing LP with higher emissions.

4- Additionally, those who lock their LISTA for veLISTA will also qualify for fee sharing.


At LISTA, security is prioritized above all else. Their DeFi products are exceptional & undergo strict audits by leading firms, and they independently manage their validator node to ensure top-notch security for you all!


Their seamless UI is designed to provide an intuitive and easy-to-use experience for all users, making it enjoyable and accessible.

You guys can unlock sustainable yield opportunities across the BNB Chain by minting lisUSD and slisBNB & this might allow users to participate in yield farming or staking opportunities that offer a sustainable return


1. Liquid Staking — Growing Adoption

Liquid staking is becoming increasingly popular as it allows users to earn staking rewards while maintaining liquidity.

slisBNB, as a liquid staking token, benefits from this trend. With 394,000 BNB already staked on Lista DAO, totaling approximately $225 million, the demand for slisBNB is likely to grow as more users seek to maximize their returns without locking up their assets.

2. Ecosystem Integration:

Though slisBNB has multiple use cases within the BNB Chain ecosystem, which enhances its utility and adoption.

As the BNB Chain continues to expand and integrate with more DeFi protocols and dApps, the demand for slisBNB is expected to rise.

This integration will facilitate easier access to liquidity and yield opportunities for users holding slisBNB.

3. Yield Opportunities:

Talking about slisBNB and yield opportunities doesn't come across — how is that possible??

You can stake BNB and mint slisBNB, while unlocking a world of yield farming and staking possibilities — YES!

With the continuous launch of DeFi projects and protocols on the BNB Chain, slisBNB holders will gain even more ways to reap rewards. This surge of interest and investment could push slisBNB to the forefront of the liquid staking space.

4. Competitive Advantage:

The persistent focus on security and delivering a seamless user experience is what sets Lista DAO apart, giving us a clear competitive edge.

Every product at LISTA DAO is subjected to strict audits by top-tier firms, and the particular management of the validator node guarantees unparalleled security. This creates a sense of trust and assurance among users, positioning slisBNB as the preferred choice for those seeking a secure way to stake their BNB and earn yields.


As I told you earlier that future of LISTA DAO is ever-bright and sustainable — let’s have a look:

1- Collateralised Assets:

Lista DAO's model of allowing users to deposit various crypto assets such as BNB, ETH, and stablecoins as collateral offers significant flexibility. By expanding the range of supported collateralized assets and their corresponding liquid staking tokens (LSTs), Lista DAO can attract a broader user base.

This will enhance liquidity and provide more options for users to earn yields and borrow lisUSD.

2- Community Involvement:

The introduction of veLISTA lock-up, which allows users to convert LISTA tokens to veLISTA, supercharges voting power and claims a share of the protocol's revenues.

This decentralization of governance empowers the community, making it more attractive for new users and investors. Active community involvement can lead to more innovative proposals and improvements, ensuring the protocol evolves to meet users' needs — the future of LISTA is ever-bright

3- Stablecoin Utility and Adoption — lisUSD

lisUSD, the decentralized stablecoin of Lista DAO, plays a crucial role in the ecosystem. Its collateral-backed nature ensures stability and trustworthiness.

As DeFi continues to grow, the demand for decentralized stablecoins like lisUSD will increase. Lista DAO's ability to maintain a stable lisUSD value while offering competitive yields will be pivotal in attracting more users and liquidity.

4. Incentive Programs and Rewards:

A most favorite topic among the community - Lista DAO's incentive programs, such as the Listapie platform rewards and the Galxe platform event with 5,000 USDT in rewards, and much more running are effective strategies to attract and retain users.

These incentives not only reward existing users but also draw in new participants looking to benefit from the protocol's offerings.

5. Security and Audits:

Lista DAO places security at the forefront, just as any top-notch protocol should.

- By subjecting itself to rigorous audits from top firms

- diligently overseeing its validator node independently

Lista DAO guarantees airtight security for users' assets. As security remains a major concern for countless potential DeFi users, Lista DAO's commitment to rock-solid security measures promises to be a game-changer !

By continuing to innovate and adapt to the evolving DeFi landscape, Lista DAO can solidify its position as a leading liquidity protocol on the BNB Smart Chain —

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