The United States announced that it would impose new sanctions on Iran, citing its "continued nuclear escalation". Secretary of State Antony Blinken made a statement today expressing concern about Iran's recent actions to expand its nuclear program and stated that these actions do not have a credible peaceful purpose. The USA takes a firm stance against Iran obtaining nuclear weapons and is ready to use all elements of its national power to prevent this.

The sanctions imposed today specifically target three companies based in the United Arab Emirates, which the United States accuses of being involved in the transportation of Iran's oil and petrochemical products. Sanctions were also imposed on 11 ships associated with these activities.

This step follows warnings by Group of Seven (G7) countries this month against Iran's nuclear enrichment activities. The G7 also stated that it is ready to implement new measures if Iran transfers ballistic missiles to Russia. In response, Iran called on the G7 to avoid repeating the "destructive policies of the past," as Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani put it.

In early June, the 35-nation U.N. Nuclear Inspection Agency Executive Board adopted a resolution calling on Iran to increase cooperation with the inspection body and reverse its decision to block inspectors.

Iran enriches uranium to 60% purity, which is a short technical step away from weapons grade. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran has enough enriched uranium to convert it into the material required for three nuclear weapons. Western powers dispute the legitimacy of Iran's actions, saying there is no credible civilian justification for such high levels of enrichment. Although Iran insists its nuclear ambitions are peaceful, officials have suggested a potential change in the country's "nuclear doctrine" if it faces an attack or existential threats, particularly from Israel, causing concern among IAEA members and Western countries. Iran's mission to the United Nations in New York did not comment on the new sanctions.