DeFi Data

1. Total market value of DeFi tokens: $91.216 billion

DeFi total market value Data source: coingecko

2. The transaction volume of decentralized exchanges in the past 24 hours was US$3.487 billion

The transaction volume of decentralized exchanges in the past 24 hours. Data source: coingecko

3. Assets locked in DeFi: $95.42 billion

The top ten rankings of DeFi projects with locked assets and locked-in amounts. Data source: defillama

NFT Data

1. Total NFT market value: $33.424 billion

NFT total market value, top ten projects by market value Data source: Coinmarketcap

2. 24-hour NFT trading volume: $1.985 billion

NFT total market value, top ten projects by market value Data source: Coinmarketcap

3. Top NFTs in 24 hours

Top 10 NFTs with the highest sales growth in 24 hours Data source: NFTGO


Opinion: Trump may become the cryptocurrency industry's hope for the 2024 election

Golden Finance reported that J.W. Verret, associate professor at the Antonin Scalia School of Law at George Mason University, said that in the 2024 US presidential election, cryptocurrency supporters may only have one choice - Donald Trump. The Biden administration has taken a number of measures to suppress cryptocurrencies, including encouraging banks to cut ties with cryptocurrency companies, treating developers as brokers, and prosecuting privacy protocol developers. In contrast, Trump administration nominees such as CFTC Chairman Chris Giancarlo and SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce are known for their support for cryptocurrencies. If Trump is re-elected, he is expected to continue to support the cryptocurrency industry.

NFT Hot Spots

1. NFT market sales fell 45% in the second quarter of 2024

Golden Finance reported that in the second quarter of 2024, NFT sales fell by 45%, consistent with Bitcoin’s bear market trend. Data from CryptoSlam revealed that NFT sales fell to $2.24 billion, the lowest level since the third quarter of 2023. This sharp decline contrasts with sales of $4.1 billion in the first quarter of 2024, which continued the growth trend of $2.9 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023. June 2024 also saw a significant decline, with the average NFT sales value falling 59% from March. This month is also expected to record the lowest number of NFT transactions since March 2021.

DeFi Hotspot

1. Pantera Capital: TON is the largest liquid asset on Telegram’s balance sheet

On June 27, Pantera Capital portfolio manager Cosmo Jiang said that cryptocurrency is an option for Telegram to raise funds, and it can "maintain the greatest potential for control and monetization." Pantera Capital has invested in Telegram. Cosmo Jiang pointed out that TON is Telegram's "largest current asset on the balance sheet." Telegram can obtain staking rewards from transaction fees and protocol issuance, in addition to "commercial agreements" that will earn more TON over time based on certain performance standards.

2. dYdX announces the introduction of in-app staking functionality

Golden Finance reported that dYdX announced on the X platform that it has introduced an in-app staking function. Users can now use the interface to stake and unstake DYDX and receive USDC staking rewards. Before this, DYDX holders had to use a third-party wallet to stake their DYDX. Now, users can send DYDX to their wallet address trading on dYdX Chain and use it to stake their tokens.

3. Starknet Ecosystem zkEVM Network Kakarot announces that it will launch the “farm” activity next week

On June 27, Kakarot, a zkEVM network based on Starknet, released a video on X, announcing that it will launch a "farm" activity next week. Kakarot is currently in the testnet stage and has not yet been launched on the mainnet, so it is not yet certain what the details of the so-called "farm" activity will be.

4. Zeta Markets: Airdrop now available

Solana DeFi derivatives platform Zeta Markets announced that ZEX is now live and users' airdrops are now open. The claim period is 90 days and will close at 09:45 UTC on September 25, 2024. The ZEX airdrop kicks off the community ownership and governance of Zeta Markets, distributing 80 million ZEX to nearly 80,000 real Zeta users. Anyone who stakes ZEX before 09:59 UTC on July 25 (end of Genesis) is eligible for the 20 million ZEX staked airdrop.

5.Scroll will implement Curie upgrade on July 3, introducing DA compression

Golden Finance reported that Scroll announced that it will implement the Curie upgrade on July 3, introducing data availability (DA) compression to reduce the size of Layer1 DA and its related Gas fees, and also includes two transaction types: EIP-1559 and EIP-2930, as well as a basic fee model to stabilize Scroll's Gas fees. Scroll said that this upgrade will reduce the Gas fee on the Scroll chain by 2 times.

Metaverse Hotspots

1. Hong Kong’s financial industry is optimistic about DeFi and Metaverse opportunities

Golden Finance reported that the Hong Kong financial industry is optimistic about DeFi and Metaverse opportunities. Feng Yinuo, CEO and Executive Director of the Research Center of the Hong Kong Institute of Finance, pointed out yesterday that emerging technologies related to decentralized finance and Metaverse are closely related to the development of a wider range of virtual assets and Web3, and are expected to bring various opportunities to Hong Kong's financial services industry. Market participants believe that in the long run, virtual assets can create new sources of income, reduce costs, improve customer experience, and make business more diversified; and the challenges include, for example, overall uncertainty in unified definitions and governance structures, difficulties in meeting regulatory requirements for combating money laundering and terrorist financing, and attention to cybersecurity and data risks.

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