What are the benefits of contracts?

It is clear that contracts are risky, so why do many people in the cryptocurrency circle do leverage contracts?

Because of the word "poor", right?

Because the volatility of the cryptocurrency circle can change your fate. As the saying goes, if you don't have enough positions, you can use leverage to make up for it. In other industries, leverage is small, and there are serious solidifications, and there are also few opportunities. Because in this society, 99% of the problems can be solved by themselves, and the remaining 1% of the problems can be solved with more. So why choose the cryptocurrency circle? It is because it is fair here. It doesn't look at appearance, background, or academic qualifications. Brother, what matters here is your cognition. What you need to do is to improve your cognition and learn more, and then change your fate.

If you want to dig deeper in the cryptocurrency circle, but can't find a clue, click on the avatar to see the steps to find me. More operation strategies will be shared in more detail in the 10,000-person fan group.

