[Brother Yu's Daily Market Analysis] $BTC Next, let's make a detailed interpretation and analysis of the one-hour level. The highest position at 11 o'clock is 61020, which just pierces into a sub-level oscillation around 21 o'clock last night. The position marked with a red box in the figure, if you look to the left at the current position, the sub-level center that oscillated around 21 o'clock on June 24 is the response to the current pressure position. This shows that this position is under pressure. If the one-hour level cannot quickly pull over this pressure position and continue to choose horizontal oscillation, then it is possible to fall below the one-hour stop loss position of 60595. At this time, short-term traders should follow the rules. After closing the position, see if the decline can be stopped near 60230. And MACD no longer creates a new high column (that is, the one-hour level of the figure posted this morning mentioned that the volume is insufficient). And 60230 is the second buy of the hour. This means that the daily level oscillation is formed (see the first BTC daily level reference operation yesterday).