He Yi is right, sometimes money really comes from the wind. I opened it today and found that there was a lucky draw, and I got 10USDC in one draw, and it was directly deposited into my account. I was wrong, I shouldn't have called you a swindle exchange before, I changed my words. Izumi, which I played for a month, only gave me 130 ZKs, and I spent half a day to collect and summarize. It only took me half an hour to play around, and I was too lazy to put the invitation code, and I got 30 dollars, and the money really came from the wind.

If the first number doesn't have a code, you can use my code. Both parties can draw one more time: P8WMWD9. Remember to use your own code for the second number, and be careful with the second number, draw more times, and sign up for the tasks first and then play. There are many tasks, and the content is similar. The second number with two faces can easily guarantee 20 dollars.

The main source of income, you must register first (note that there is still 20 hours left for 1 event)

1.peng Happy Send: Top up $100, 3 lucky draws guaranteed to win $3

Your main account invites your own small account to meet the standard, and 5 lucky draws guaranteed to win $5

2. Summer Surprise: Top up $100, lucky draw guaranteed to win $5

Important Tips: Don’t be nostalgic for small exchanges, just run away after you finish playing, and return to your original partner (Binance)😂. (Run away after you finish playing)