This is Pac-Man

Dropped out of school at 16

Now he owns a multi-billion dollar empire

Here’s the untold story behind the founders of Blast and Blur:


Even as a teenager, Pacman wanted to start a company

So, at 16, he copied an existing startup and got hired by them

He dropped out of school and moved across the country to work there.

One year later, his whole life changed...


At the age of 17, he founded the company "StrongIntro".

It helps tech startups grow their engineering teams

But despite his efforts, including a YCombinator round and $120,000 in funding, the idea didn’t take off…


Back to square one, Pacman knew he needed a co-founder for his next startup.

So he went straight to the best place: university


After two years of studying at MIT, he finally found a business partner: Liu Qiangdong

He even received a $100,000 Thiel Fellowship to drop out of college and start a startup



They launched Namebase

On-chain market for website domain names

In just three months, they had exceeded $10 million in transaction volume and received more than $5 million in financing.

Huge scale

But two years later, they sold the company



You see, in 2021, Pac-Man learned about NFTs

He made 30ETH from his first NFT purchase (Blitmap) and became addicted to it

He even wrote about the subject of this space (↓)

But the deeper he went, the more he discovered the lack of infrastructure...


So, in October 2022, he founded Blur

In just one year, it became the largest NFT market

A few big features, an airdrop, and “Blur killed NFTs” comments later, Pacman decided to expand


He launched Blast - the first L2 with local production

Initially, it was met with a lot of skepticism.

But once the beta version was launched, the "explosion" was parabolic, and people rushed to buy the airdrop supplies.


Fast forward to now:

- Season 1 airdrop has been released
- Exploding TVL value reaches $1.68 billion
- 1M+ Wallets

However, Blast also faces FUD and a big problem:

Can Pac-Man change people's moods again?
