#今日市场观点 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安合约锦标赛

The methods commonly used by dog ​​dealers to mislead retail investors:

The purpose of creating a false market is to induce investors.

Specific methods:

The main force places many super sell orders at the first to fifth selling positions every day, but it is impossible to trade. They just deliberately place them to show retail investors. They induce investors to think that the currency has a large selling pressure and many large sell orders, and the price of the currency will inevitably fall sharply next, so they cut their losses and leave.

The same is true for the buying side. Super buy orders are placed at the buying position, but the prices are generally low, forming the illusion that large funds are ready to enter the market to raise the price of the currency soon, inducing investors to take the lead and thus get stuck.

Brothers, have you been deceived by dog ​​dealers in this way?