#GDP #失业金

Tonight, the second most important economic data of the week will be released - the final value of the annualized quarterly rate of the US GDP in the first quarter.

This data has attracted much attention because it can reflect the overall performance of the US economy and is of great significance to both investors and the market.

Although GDP data has a higher weight among individual data, it is generally not subject to large fluctuations due to its wide range of implications and relatively cautious market expectations.

Unless there are extreme circumstances, the gap with market expectations will not be too large. Therefore, under normal circumstances, GDP data has little impact on the market.

The number of initial unemployment claims for the week ending June 22 will also be released at the same time as the GDP data. This data is closely related to the employment market and will also have a certain impact on investors.

The data will be released at 20:30 on June 27, 2024, so stay tuned!