With the development of the investment market, the gap between retail investors and institutional professional investors has become increasingly obvious. Retail investors refer to individual investors, while institutional professional investors include investment banks, fund companies and other institutions. There are great differences in the investment behavior of retail investors and institutional professional investors, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects.

First, the difference in investment experience and knowledge level. Institutional professional investors usually have richer investment experience and deeper industry knowledge, and can more accurately judge the value of the market and enterprises. However, retail investors often lack investment experience and knowledge, and are easily affected by market sentiment and the media, resulting in irrational investment decisions.

Second, the scale and degree of diversification of investment funds. Institutional professional investors have larger funds and wider investment channels, which can more effectively diversify risks and obtain investment opportunities. However, the scale of retail investors' funds is relatively small, and they can often only invest through a few channels such as stocks, making it difficult to achieve full diversification of funds and risk control.

Third, the mechanism and method of investment decision-making. Institutional professional investors usually have a more complete investment decision-making mechanism and investment team, which can obtain and analyze market information through multiple channels and make more scientific and comprehensive investment decisions. However, retail investors often lack professional investment teams and decision-making mechanisms, and can only rely on their own intuition and market information to make investment decisions.

In summary, the gap between retail investors and institutional professional investors lies mainly in investment experience and knowledge level, investment fund scale and diversification, and investment decision-making mechanisms and methods. Therefore, when investing, retail investors should focus on accumulating investment experience and knowledge, fully understand the market and corporate situation, and also pay attention to the full diversification of funds and risk control, and try to simulate the investment methods and decision-making mechanisms of institutional investors, so as to improve their investment level and obtain better investment returns.