According to Odaily Planet Daily, the TON Foundation announced the winners of The Open League Season 4. In the App Battle group, Catizen and Yescoin are leading, and other winners include MomoAI, Vertus, SquidTG, TON Punks and Gleam, with a total group prize of $500,000. In the Token League group, REGI is leading, and other winners include NOT, HYDRA, STON, COFE, RECA and MITTENS, with a total group prize of $500,000. In the NFTLeague group, the top three are TON Frogs, Market Makers and TON Diamonds, with a total group prize of $50,000. In the DeFi League group, DeDust ranks first, and other winners include EVAA, Storm Trade,, DAOLama and Tradoor, with a total group prize of $150,000.