After zkSync, LayerZero, Blast...what to do? Seeing that you seemed to be struggling to find a project to do, An listed a series for you to choose from.

1/ Line - 725tr U

L2 solutions are built to increase the flexibility and scalability of dapps. Backed by Consensys, the parent company behind projects such as MetaMask, Infura... and has a huge capital call of 725 million U.

2/ Monad - 244tr U

EVM blockchain has a processing speed of 10k transactions per second. W airdrops to most members in Monad discord, so people tend to take W to farm against Monad.

3/ Farcaster - 180tr U

The project specializes in social networking, many people play and earn bets here. It looks so simple but raises huge capital. This one probably doesn't need to be said much.

4/ MagicEden - 160tr U

The famous NFT Marketplace of the Solana system has not issued tokens since 2021. Rumor has it that it's about to come out, you guys are mainly farming for diamonds and holding NFT tickets to hope for airdrops from the project. An thinks this plan is the most feasible.

5/ Berachain - 142ft U

As a national L1 product, An sees everyone trying to be this Bera. Basically, Bera is still testing the network, it's free so everyone wants to jump in. Besides doing testnet, people talk about holding bears on Ethereum.

6/ Babylon - 90tr U

Actually, I don't care much about this one, it belongs to the Cosmos system, mainly farming by staking BTC. But this blockchain is invested in by Binance, so it is highly likely to be listed on this exchange. I'll try to do a little in the near future.

7/ Scroll - 80tr U

L2 became famous after StarkNet with zkSync, now most people are turning to this one. Mainly farming volume is the main thing, but after zkSync, I think I should add LP as well. I'm just sorry for those who couldn't mint Scroll's first NFT because An thought it would be part of the mechanism. TVL is also fine, 842M.

8/ Eclipse - 65tr U

This is also another L2 EVM project, I haven't done this one yet but will do it soon. Currently, everyone can still do testnet, so take advantage of the early user mechanism in the future or use the airdrop on mainnet like TAIKO.

9/ Zora - 60tr U

Blockchain L2 focuses on the NFT segment, mint on here is tiring. I mint a little on most of the above bets, I don't know if it will absorb anything. But basically this one focuses on NFTs so it's mainly mint.

10/ Karak - 45tr U

Karak is also an L2 blockchain in the restaking segment, similar to Swell on Ethereum. Karak raises more capital than most restaking projects, so it has quite a financial potential.

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