Odaily Planet Daily News Prediction market Polymarket and its oracle service UMA disagree on whether Barron Trump participated in the creation of the DJT token. The betting amount for this event exceeded $1 million. The contract on Polymarket reads: "If there is a lot of evidence that Barron Trump participated in the creation of the Solana token $DJT, the market will be judged as 'yes'. Otherwise, the market will be judged as 'no'. Whether Barron participated in the creation of $DJT will be determined by the market's decentralized parser UMA, and all available evidence will be considered as of 12 noon EST on June 23." It is understood that whenever the results of the prediction market are controversial, UMA, a decentralized "optimistic" oracle, will be introduced to resolve the issue through UMA token holders voting on the results. In the DJT incident, the vast majority of UMA holders chose "no". Despite this, Polymarket believes that UMA is wrong and plans to make corrections. "We are working on a near-term solution and will announce it today." (CoinDesk)