If CZ had acquired FTX from Explosion Head, would he still need to go to jail? Would the economic loss be smaller? What is the best way?

1. CZ was charged for violating anti-money laundering and other clauses. If these problems are not resolved, he will still go to jail. As for whether SBF can solve this problem after becoming his subordinate, it is still unknown.

2. CZ's economic losses from acquiring assets such as FTT may not be much more than the current fine. According to the balance sheet at the time, the relevant assets later rose significantly. Of course, Zhao Changpeng did not acquire the assets of Explosion Head at the time for commercial considerations and did not foresee a series of subsequent problems. Considering that Binance was an investor in FTX before, and SBF forced Zhao Changpeng to withdraw, it is not easy to deal with the relationship of re-acquisition, and the acquisition terms may not include handling legal matters.

3. Therefore, the best way is to take into account anti-money laundering measures such as KYC when expanding. Only when there are no major problems, there is no need to pin hopes on others.

P.S.: The BLAST airdrop of the strongest PUA Tieshun in history finally came to an end last night. As the first project to read the promotional materials in full before receiving the airdrop, it is also the airdrop with the smallest return.