After the market experienced a large drop in volume in the previous period, the current price continues to consolidate around the 61000-62000 range. There is obvious selling pressure at the 62000 line, and the K-line pattern shows signs of a rebound in the short term, although it is limited to the short term. Market sentiment is relatively cautious, and short-term bearish sentiment is slightly better than bullish sentiment. The trading volume has shrunk in recent days amid market fluctuations.

In terms of intraday operations, pay attention to the resistance near 62000 and 62500, and support the support near 60600 and 59800. Operation suggestions are to conduct long and short operations around resistance and support levels. The data release on Friday will be an important focus of the market and may cause large fluctuations.

Recently, many investors have reported that they have encountered problems such as liquidation in the market. The core problem is that they have failed to effectively control their positions, resulting in losses. To survive in the market for a long time, you must focus on long-term returns rather than short-term fluctuations. For investors who plan to participate in the market in the second half of the year, they should seize the opportunity and follow up in time, because market opportunities wait for no one.

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, check the homepage, you can get the position allocation strategy, which will teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market

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