Recently, the market has been full of positive news, making many people eager to participate immediately, hoping to get benefits quickly. However, the actual situation may not be as simple and direct as it seems on the surface. Today we will explore the "time for space" strategy behind it and how to deal with it.

Many investors believe that once good news comes, the market should take off immediately. But in fact, the investment market is more like a long-distance race, and a quick sprint does not guarantee victory. Sometimes, the market needs to develop slowly and use time to exchange for more space. Although some people in the market may be eager to make profits now, the market still needs time to digest the previous gains, just like we digest food.

This model of slow accumulation and rapid growth tests the patience and confidence of investors. Those speculators who lack firmness may be shuffled by the market. Although we see an upward trend in the market, we still need to be cautious due to the lack of new capital inflows.

The investment market is like a marathon. The victory or defeat does not depend on who runs faster, but on who can move forward steadily. Therefore, investors need to learn to understand the cyclicality of the market and understand its characteristics and laws. Only in this way can we go steady and far on the road of investment.

Finally, I want to emphasize that there is no absolute good news in the investment market, only a constantly changing market environment. Everyone must remain rational and not be overwhelmed by market fluctuations. Only by doing a good job of risk management can you go further and more steadily on the road of investment.

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