
Big crisis in the US banking industry! Is the opportunity here?

The US banking industry is now facing unprecedented challenges!

The book losses of all banks have soared to more than 600 billion US dollars, which is nine times that of the financial crisis in 2008!

Even if inflation is taken into account, the purchasing power of money is not as good as in 2008, and this nine-fold loss is too scary!

With so many losses, everyone guesses that the US government or the Federal Reserve may have to restart the printing press to relieve the pressure. In the past, when banks suffered huge losses, they used monetary policy intervention, such as quantitative easing.

Therefore, interest rates may be lowered or new quantitative easing may be implemented soon. This may be a good opportunity. In the next two or three years, some assets will perform well.

But the US economy and banking industry are in an awkward situation now. They have to control inflation and deal with huge losses.

This puts the US government and the Federal Reserve under great pressure and is in a dilemma.

Some people say that the Federal Reserve may soon restart the printing press to implement quantitative easing. If so, cryptocurrencies such as altcoins may soar.

Therefore, before the policy is implemented, it may be the last chance to use the fixed investment strategy to accumulate altcoin assets.

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