🎉Good news! WEEX platform announced that it will launch the second phase of Launchpool activities, which will be held from 0:00 on July 1 to 12:00 UTC+8 on July 3. As long as you invest in WXT, you will have the opportunity to share 37,000 ZKsync (ZK) airdrop rewards according to the effective investment ratio! 🎁The minimum investment amount is 1,000 WXT, and the maximum is 500,000 WXT.

🔥What's even better is that the invested WXT can also participate in other projects at the same time, without locking, staking, or consumption. For holders of WEEX platform currency WEEX Token (WXT), this is undoubtedly an exclusive right. Moreover, new users who register WEEX before June 30 can also receive up to 197,800 WXT rewards.

🚀ZKsync (ZK) is one of the four major Layer 2s. It uses the latest generation of concise zero-knowledge proofs to retain the security properties of the underlying blockchain. The current TVL is as high as US$1.25 billion. This airdrop is undoubtedly a strong support for Bitcoin. Let us look forward to the future of Bitcoin together! 🌈