DOGE current market analysis

Currently, DOGE is in a bearish trend at the 1-hour and 2-hour levels, while the 4-hour level shows a trend of callback. Therefore, we need to pay special attention to the market changes at the 4-hour level.

The system shows that the long and short price at the 4-hour level is near 0.12494. This is a key price level, and its changes will affect the subsequent trend of DOGE.

Multi-party advantage scenario: If DOGE can hold the price of 0.12494, the bulls will maintain the advantage and may push the price up to the three target levels of 0.12601, 0.12751 and 0.12851.

Short-side callback scenario: However, if DOGE cannot maintain above this price, a callback may begin and the price may fall to the three support levels of 0.12144, 0.12016 and 0.11893.

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