The adjustment phase of this bull market is extremely cruel. It is fundamentally different from the previous bull market. The ecology of the currency circle has undergone significant changes, so the market trend has also taken on a completely new look.

The intensity of the adjustment phase deepened the panic of retail investors, causing them to hesitate and even waver in their belief in the bull market, thus creating the illusion that a bear market is coming. But allow me to clarify something.

The Bitcoin ETF has just been approved, and institutional funds have just begun to gradually flow into the market. It’s only been two months since Bitcoin’s halving event, and its price has yet to hit all-time highs.

The interest rate cut policy has not yet been launched, and a large amount of funds have not yet poured into the market. At present, it only relies on the injection of existing funds and ETFs to maintain market stability.

Before the potential of altcoins has been fully unleashed, some people are eager to conclude that the bull market is over. If this is the case, it can only be said that this is not a real bull market, but just a short-term fluctuation in the bull market.

The key now is to stay focused. Don’t be overly anxious, hold Bitcoin firmly, and maintain a peaceful mind.

For investors who already hold Bitcoin, you can relax and enjoy your life. Whether you are immersed in the game world or traveling, it is a good choice. The important thing is not to check market conditions frequently and avoid excessive communication with the currency circle. This strategy is especially suitable for investors who are easily affected by market fluctuations and find it difficult to stay calm.

If you can't find your direction in the currency circle and don't know what coins to buy, you can find me in a simple way and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free.

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