TIA two-hour trading strategy

📊 From the chart analysis, TIA has maintained a downward trend since the short-order buy point appeared at 4 am the night before yesterday, and has gained considerable profits of 12.43%.

🔍 At present, if the price still fails to stand on the key position of 6.5289, brothers 👬 remain patient and avoid blindly entering the market. #TIA.智能策略库🥇🥇

💡 The next trading opportunity will focus on the appearance of purple dots, which is a signal of a potential market turn. Once the purple dots appear and the price stabilizes, it will be a new buying point. #TIA空投

🛡️ At the same time, it is necessary to remind you: the support level of 5.7105. If the price touches or falls below this price, be alert to the risk of further decline.

🔔 Grasp the market dynamics, operate steadily, and look forward to the arrival of the next trading opportunity! #tia,我要青出于蓝而胜于蓝,我要to $TIA