The US dollar index DXY hit 106, a new high since May 1st

Latest developments: The US dollar index DXY touched 106 during trading, a new high since May 1, 2024. Increase: In terms of the specific increase, the US dollar index DXY rose by 0.34% (or 0.37%, according to another data source) during the day. This increase shows the strong momentum of the US dollar index in the short term. Historical data: Looking back at historical data, the US dollar index DXY has shown some fluctuations in the recent period. For example, the closing price on June 20, 2024 was 105.26, and by June 26, it had broken through the 106 mark. Market impact: The rise of the US dollar index DXY usually has a wide impact on the global economy and financial markets. It reflects the changes in the exchange rate of the US dollar relative to a basket of other major currencies. Therefore, its changes may affect international trade, capital flows, commodity prices and many other aspects. Future outlook: Although the US dollar index DXY is currently at a high level in recent years, its future trend is still full of uncertainty. Market analysts and investors will pay close attention to the global economic situation, monetary policy changes and other factors that may affect exchange rate trends.

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