In the past few years, how many profound lessons have you witnessed in the history of the cryptocurrency circle?

1. Back to February 2014: The Mentougou incident shocked the world, Bitcoin plummeted 80%, and countless investors lost all their money.

2. Then to the September 4 incident in 2017: the entire market value evaporated 80% in an instant, and countless people's dreams of the cryptocurrency circle were shattered.

3. March 12, 2020: The market once again ushered in violent fluctuations, and the price of Ethereum plummeted to US$80, and countless investors were heartbroken.

4. Then, on May 19, 2021: 600,000 contract dogs were instantly liquidated. This incident once again highlighted the risks and uncertainties of the crypto market.

5. In 2022, the Luna black swan incident and the FTX thunderstorm incident plunged the entire cryptocurrency circle into an unprecedented crisis, and countless investors suffered heavy losses.

These historical events are not only profound lessons for the cryptocurrency circle, but also a warning to the entire cryptocurrency market. While pursuing wealth, we should be more vigilant about risks and invest rationally.

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