$PENGU Playing
#Future makes our objectivity zero.
Investors buy a product based on its fundamentals, then when the price drops they will happily buy it again.
#PerpetualFutures panics, when the price goes up they panic because they chose the wrong
#Short When the price goes down they panic because they chose the wrong
#Long .
How long do you want to chase short-term profits by sacrificing your sleep time, in the end your health will be disturbed, restless and uncertain, the profit is not much, and diseases come in abundance.
Choose a coin that you think is good and safe, allocate a light monthly fund, then save until the target amount is met.
If it is possible to add coins by staking, then do staking.
Stop being a pretend analyst who knows best where the market is going, cherish your money, don't waste it by guessing Long/Short and then losing it all without a trace.