#vg项目发已经把vgx合约出售 When analyzing the current market trend of VGX, we can observe that its price remains strong without falling below the white antenna.
The upper pressure levels are mainly concentrated near the key points of 0.0818, 0.0850 and 0.0875, which may become resistance areas when prices rise.
On the contrary, the lower support levels are located at 0.0752 and 0.0718. If the price falls back to these areas, it may be supported and rebound.
#VGX.智能策略库🏆🏆 #VGX.24小时交易策略 It is particularly worth noting that the long and short price indicated by the white antenna is 0.0785.
As long as the price of VGX can stabilize above this line, we can assume that its market trend remains strong.