Today, Binance announced, through its official channel on the Telegram application dedicated to its new game, an important clarification regarding the news circulating about the launch of a digital currency linked to the game under the name "Moonbix Coin$". This announcement came to deny the rumors and misinformation that have spread recently.
The text of the announcement was clear and explicit in clarifying matters, as the platform confirmed the following:
"We have noticed the spread of some news claiming that we are about to launch a new digital currency called Moonbix Coin. To confirm and avoid any confusion, our media team would like to clarify that we have no plans to launch a digital currency under this name, and we do not plan to add digital tokens specific to the game in the future."
The statement also stressed the need to be careful of false claims that aim to mislead users, calling on everyone to verify the accuracy of the news by following the official updates that are published through approved channels only.
The platform concluded the announcement with a reassuring message and the importance of maintaining the safety of users, saying: “Your safety and security are always our priority. Therefore, we ask you not to be led by false information and to rely on our official sources to obtain any new information.”
#MOONBİX #Moonbixbot