Shanzhai season? Shanzhai festival? Shanzhai GG?
By comparing
#TOTAL3 with #WALC (Weighted Average Liquidity Change), we can find:
1. Before QT ends:
In the chart, the small increase indicated by the green arrow represents a slight increase in market capitalization before the end of quantitative tightening (QT).
Quantitative tightening policies lead to a decrease in market liquidity, and market capitalization typically does not experience significant increases.
2. After QT ends:
When quantitative tightening ends, the market begins to anticipate the start of quantitative easing (QE), resulting in increased liquidity expectations, but changes in market capitalization may still be relatively moderate.
3. When QE begins:
The larger yellow arrow in the chart may represent a significant increase in TOTAL3 market capitalization at the start of quantitative easing (QE).
Quantitative easing policies generally increase the money supply, enhance market liquidity, and typically drive asset prices up significantly.
Everything hasn't even started yet; those who claim it has ended might not be bad, just completely inexperienced. Why reference someone who's a total novice?
There's nothing new on Wall Street because human greed and cowardice will never change, and the same goes for the crypto world.