Change the flavor and take a look at NFTs
The Ethereum mainnet NFT project BitmapPunks has completed its MINT, burning 1149 ETH, approximately 3.93 million USD.
Just now, the Ethereum mainnet token conversion project BitmapPunks @bitmappunksnft has finished minting, with a total of 2.1 million NFTs. After minting the NFT, a token of the same name will be airdropped.
This project features a super large total mint + deflationary mechanism, where the trading tokens will destroy NFTs, in short, the number of NFTs will continuously decrease.
In the current boom of AI Agents, there is a 'Renaissance' of the ancient gameplay of NFTs.
Looking at the data, the market cap of the tokens is currently about 8M, with a liquidity of 80K and trading volume of 783K. NFT data shows that Magic Eden indicates a trading volume of about 16 ETH.
How to say, the market is not buying it, in comparison, AI Agents still have a wealth effect.