If you want to engage in trading and make a living from trading. Today I will give you a few words. If you understand these words, you will definitely come to thank me in 5 years. These words are what I have worked hard for in my 13 years of work.

First, never carry a single order, this is the rule.

Second, when your desire expands, there must be someone around you who can wake you up.

Third, floating losses that cannot be solved are always risks.

Fourth, to learn trading, first learn how to spend extremely poor days, remember: extremely! Extremely! Poor! Difficult!

Fifth, all losses start with losses. Think clearly, when losses come, how should we deal with them?

Sixth, there is no holy grail in trading. The market is a process of recognizing yourself. Only when you do it can you know the result.

Seventh, there is no stable system, only stable people.

Eighth, which is what I think is the most important point. Do a simple thing to the extreme.

Ninth, it can also be regarded as a summary. If you are experiencing it now, then I want to give you this sentence, grow in ridicule, rise in the trough, and be born in destruction. This is trading.

The rules of the game are made for you. You have to jump out. See the original self clearly. Everyone remember these few words of mine, and you can evolve into your own trading system. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 #合约 #交易哲学