My dear investor friends.

In fact, everyone wants to hear what they want to happen. As you read what is written here, the comments of the investors who write what you want to happen will make you happy and help you look at the future positively.

But we must not forget that what is written and what we want to happen does not always happen.

Remember that while the return is high, the risk is also high. If you lack stress management, this market may be too much for you. Because sometimes we are satisfied after waiting for years, and sometimes we are not satisfied when years of return are given in seconds. There are many variables in this market, and most of them involve risks that affect you deeply.

No investment will make us eternally happy. We don't know when to get off this train because we don't know when to get on it. This is an element that makes this complicated and always affects our ability to make sound decisions.

Please, if this place is not good for you, if it harms your health, do not get on this train. If you do, please get off. There are no written rules here and this is an equation with many unknowns where many variables are synthesized.