I have endured a lot in the past two months. The market began to fall after the release of the ETF, and I started shorting around $BTC 44,000, and finally fell into the darkness before dawn.

My sister said a while ago that she wanted to go abroad for something. Unexpectedly, she never came back. She hasn't come back yet. Maybe she is disappointed with this land. The combination lock at her home has also been changed. I saw an agent taking people to see the house a while ago. Is it planned to sell it?

The days are getting more and more difficult. The bottom is promising and several coins I bought with 5x leverage have risen 5 times, such as $SOL, $TIA rune, stx, etc., but I was liquidated due to the sharp shock before the rise...

The funny thing is that at the beginning of October, I called several friends to tell them that the opportunity had come and I wanted to have a SOHA! A few days ago, they called me one by one to thank me, and happiness is yours. I have nothing. No one knows that I have liquidated my position. Everyone only remembers that I am very powerful. At the bottom, I tell them to strike hard...

I bought a 1 million fund for A-share consumer loans. I opened it a while ago and saw that the remaining 600,000 yuan were left. I thought the news was coming out and said that investors could make money in the stock market. It was stable. Unexpectedly, the liabilities were increasing. With such a loss, I'm in a dilemma. It's not a good idea to cut the flesh. If I don't cut the flesh, I'm out of breath.

I no longer have the limit for low-interest bank consumer loans, so I started borrowing from Alipay at an interest rate of 18%, and from Meituan for a small loan in Chongqing at an interest rate of 23%. I really want to make a comeback!

Although I am penniless and heavily in debt, I believe in blockchain, I believe in web3, and I know that the Bitcoin ecosystem will definitely rise this year! I believe there will be a great dapp explosion this year!

Piecing things together, I borrowed hundreds of thousands more, carrying high profits. You can definitely get back what belongs to you! ! ! #BTC #etf