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Introduction to Margin Trading
How to Open Binance Margin Account

How to Open Binance Margin Account

2019-07-05 05:08
Opening a margin account on the Binance platform allows for the trading of assets using crypto funds. Margin trading gives you access to larger amounts of crypto as capital for investments for a borrowing fee.
1. Log in to your account, hover over [Trade], and then click [Margin] to reach the Margin trading page.
2. Watch the tutorial video and improve your understanding of margin trading to complete the test after. This way, you'll be able to hit the ground running!
3. You must answer all questions correctly to open a Binance Margin Account.
4. All that’s left is to transfer some funds into your Margin Account and start trading! For a more detailed explanation, check out:
Guide to Margin Trading
● To improve your account’s security, you'll need to enable 2FA before opening a Margin Account.
● Margin trading is available for up to 10 sub-accounts.