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Binance P2P Order Feedback Feature Guide

Binance P2P Order Feedback Feature Guide

2021-01-18 07:55
Last Updated: 21 May 2024

How to use the feedback feature?

Binance P2P now added a feedback feature, allowing you to provide feedback on your trading experience. This feature enables you to leave feedbacks on your trading counterparties, helping other users in selecting P2P ads.
Once your order is completed, simply click on the [Leave Feedback] tab to rate your trading experience.
Afterwards, you can rate your trading experience and leave a feedback on your trading partner. You have the option to leave a feedback anonymously, ensuring that your identity remains confidential from your counterparties.

You can browse through feedback from other users on the counterparty’s P2P profile page.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I provide feedback to other users?
You can only leave feedback for a user once you have completed a P2P order with them. Each user is limited to one feedback based on their trading experience.
Note: Both advertisers and users can provide feedback to each other based on their trading experience.
2. Can I change or delete my feedback?
Yes, you can enter your order history, choose your order, and click on the [My Feedback] tab to update your rating and feedback.
3. Can users reply to and leave a feedback on their trading counterparties’ feedback?
Yes, you can access the user center by clicking on the [Received Feedback] tab. From there, they can select the feedback they wish to reply to. Their reply will also be displayed on their user profile page.
4. Is it compulsory to leave feedback on my trading counterparty?
No, it is not mandatory to leave feedback. However, your feedback can provide helpful suggestions for your counterparty’s improvement and serve as a reference for other users.
5. What if my trading counterparty leaves a malicious feedback on me?
If your trading counterparty leaves a malicious feedback on you, you can submit a request via the self-service appeal portal for the Customer Support team to review your case. They will remove the malicious or negative feedback if it is ill-intended. For more information, please refer to the How to Remove Negative Reviews/Revert Completion Rate for My Binance P2P Account.
6. How to calculate my positive feedback rating?
To calculate your positive feedback rating, use the following formula:
Positive Feedback Rate = Total Number of Positive Feedback Received / Total Number of Feedback Received