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athene network !! new for have.
LION !! ATHENE !!! ATX !!! tap to ear app very interesting for the futures
币安史上最大的Launchpool: Saga 深度解读(2天138亿资金参与)
4月5日Binance Launchpool第51期开启,2天后已经有138亿资金参与,这也让 #Saga 成为币安历史上最大的Launchpool。 #新币挖矿
所以我们今天就来看看 Saga 到底是哪路大神,能让18.58万人在短时间内拿出138亿资金参与IEO的。


首先我们看看这138亿美元资金参与Binance Launchpool的动机:

代币名称:Saga( $SAGA )初始流通量:90,000,000 $SAGA(代币最大供应量的9%)代币总量:1,000,000,000 $SAGA币安 Launchpool 分配:45,000,000 $SAGA(初始流通量的50%)
从代币经济来看,SAGA 最大的免费获取额度的渠道在Binance,只需要在平台质押BNB或者FDUSD就可以免费瓜分4500万枚代币,这可比私募风险低太多了,所以换做是你,只要有点储备资金都会在这里质押,这就是谁质押的越多,获得的筹码就越多,收益率越大。
Binance 目前稳定币借币年化利率在16.84%,而Binance Launchpool前十期的平均年化收益率为 116%,可以用剩下的2天时间来套利是没有问题且安全的。


Saga是一个基于 Cosmos 的Layer1区块链,主要面向游戏娱乐领域,允许开发人员自启动并行且可互操作的专用链。
它利用cosmos SDK开创了一个集成模块化基础设施,借用其全面的工具集和 SagaOS 平台,引入了用于部署智能合约的专用可扩展区块链 Chainlets(专有链)。
Saga 想要做一个应用链的L1,开发者只需要支付很低的费用就可以在平台创建自己的应用。就像Web2的AWS、阿里云、腾讯云那样。支付管理费后既可以开发自己的独立站、APP、娱乐平台、游戏平台、微信小程序等前端工作,后端的安全、支付、数据等事情交给Saga平台完成。
Saga 自己开发了一个专有区块链 Chainlets,在Chainlets上开发者不用再花太多时间去部署代码,能够在专用链或小链上构建应用程序,并且只需要承担很少的一部分部署费用。

(二)Saga 服务分析

如果不是质押TIA给Saga空投,很多人可能都不知道Saga这个项目,Saga作为Web3基础设施,已经为 Celestia 提供自动汇总功能近一年了。
Saga 协议的功能类似于特定于Dapp的服务,换句话说,Saga是一个用于轻松启动其他区块链的基础设施,类似于web2世界的WAS,Saga是区块链服务提供商。

(1)Web3 Dapp开发团队,现有痛点
如果你想绕开并不是很安全的多重签名桥和集中式排序器(centralized sequencers)的L2,那么作为开发者你有两条路径可以选择:

有 Golang 经验的工程师,他们可以利用 Cosmos SDK;需要具有 Rust 经验的工程师,将智能合约功能扩展到区块链;可能还需要在分布式共识和轻客户端架构方面经验丰富的研究人员,来充分利用 Tendermint Core 和 IBC 的优势;除了工程要求之外,还需要大量招募验证者来运行独立节点以支持区块链
Netflix 的服务器在发布当天崩溃,区块链也因技术问题而停止;Evmos — — 一个建立在 Cosmos 技术堆栈之上的区块链网络 — — 由于“严重的安全漏洞”,在发布后几天内就崩溃了;Osmosis — — 另一个基于 Cosmos 的区块链,位于 IBC 的中心 — — 由于其流动性池中存在严重错误而停止了几天。

(2)Saga 是 Web3 的 AWS(亚马逊云)

我们将思维拉回到Web2,AWS 的出现使Web2 公司托管 Web 应用程序变得更加容易。如果你想搭建各种Web2的应用终端,比如电商个人站、网页、APP等,现在不需要去做太多后端工作,也不需要去搭建机房或者服务器,直接搭建在AWS上就可以了,全世界各种用户都能通过邮箱登录的你终端成为你的消费者。国内的阿里云、腾讯云、华为云 等SaaS 平台也是做类似的事情,你可以在腾讯上搭建微信小程序,在小程序里面做直播……
Saga 渴望为区块链和 Web3 项目做同样的事情,Saga 的技术是“链到链”(chain to launch chains),Saga协议的功能类似于特定于应用程序的区块链即服务,是自动启动新区块链的基础设施的关键部分。
换句话说,Saga是一个用于轻松启动其他区块链的区块链,在Saga生态系统中称为“Chainlet”。 Chainlet 由 Saga 区块链及其验证器通过一种名为 Interchain Security 的机制来保护,Interchain Security 是 Cosmos 中著名的共享安全系统。

Saga 推出的 Chainlet是完全无需许可的(Saga推出的应用链),开发者只需用 $SAGA代币支付设置和维护 Chainlet 的费用,即可启动Chainlet。这与AWS和其他 SaaS 平台提供的服务类似,不同之处在于这里的订阅费是用 SAGA 代币支付的,以创建和维护 Chainlet。

了解如何从 Saga 启动链的机制,我们接着看下文技术分析:


我们来看看Saga怎么将自己打造成 Web3的亚马逊云服务的(AWS)。

现在PC的上的应用都在想办法兼容市面上的专用模块(比如显卡、声卡等),这被称为模块化解决方案,一旦这些模块化解决方案得到充分优化和标准化,将其重新集成到单个软件包中通常会更有效。目前发现的大多数处理器和 SoC 都是集成产品,可处理通用计算、图形计算、音频计算和网络计算的某种组合。
一旦将所有区块生产组件移出主网,就像CPU如何将各种计算模块集成到单个 SoC 中以提高效率一样,未来的区块链架构也将把区块生产模块集成到单个模块中,所有这些区块生产模块会被拆分,从主网脱离执行。Saga期望主网外 DA、执行和结算逻辑能够重新集成到单个组件中。
Saga 通过将整个主网之外的区块生产模块模块化,并引入自动启动这些主网之外模块的能力,构建了一个无限可扩展的架构。
如下图,在Saga的架构中,主网称为 Saga Platform Chain,主网外区块生产组件称为 Chainlet,这些价格搭建好后,就是一个新的应用链,开发者只需要在上面开发前端应用即可,不需要做过多的后算运维工作。

有了技术设想后,我们看看 Saga用什么技术架构来实现这一过程。

Saga Realms框架允许开发者在 Saga 上推出可定制的,例如技术堆栈、安全源和各种义务。官方说在 Realms 框架下,Saga可以链接1000个公链,我们来看看这些是怎么实现的:
Saga 的组件分为3项:Security Chain、Platform Chain和 Chainlet,Security Chain和Platform Chain共同构成了Saga主网。

1、Security Chain
Security Chain 使用Cosmos-SDK构造,是 Saga主网运行模块之一,Saga节点在这一层部署,同时代币铸造、质押和销毁都在这一层进行。
部署基于 Cosmos 的应用专用链的一大挑战是如何保护链的复杂性,每个应用链都需要收集验证者、分发质押代币并设计有助于保护链的代币机制。 Saga 通过使用共享安全方法消除了这一进入障碍。每个 Saga Chainlet 都受到 Saga 主网上验证者的共享安全保护。
Saga 使用一种名为“Optimistic Coordination”的模型,类似于 Cosmos Hub 版本 1 中使用的跨链 Stake,以确保每个 Chainlet 的安全。在Saga主网上,每个验证者必须验证每个Chainlet的配置,验证者就 Chainlet 的配置和维护达成共识,包括及时部署、保证算力、最短运行时间、诚实参与共识以及链间通信中继等一系列 SLA(服务级别协议)。

2、 Platform chain
官方原话是:Platform chain是开发者启动和维护其 Chainlet 的地方,Saga 通过Cosmos独创的跨链验证CCV的修改版,实现了多个安全性的聚合和转发的跨链验证。
这可以实现上文说的共享安全的能力,在 Chainlets 中如果发生恶意攻击,最终都会通过Platform chain转回Security Chain并罚没。
未来,Saga 平台链将从其他来源获得安全性,例如我们在以太坊、Polygon、Avalanche 的合作伙伴以及其他质押者和验证者。

Chainlet 是Saga开发出来的专有链,它运行带有虚拟机模块的单个智能合约。也就是我们上文说的 Web3 上的AWS服务,是供开发者用户使用的应用链。
在Chainlet发行项目就像部署智能合约那样非常简单,原则上是支付Saga代币作为服务费后就可以在Chainlet上部署应用了,但Chainlet 内置IBC,你可以选择任何代币支付Gas费,也可以不用支付Gas(但要承担Security Chain的节点成本)。

开发者可以运用VM模块、SDK和Tendermint Core等Chainlet组件可以独立于其他应用程序和Saga主网进行升级;
Saga 支持除 Cosmos SDK 和 Tendermint 之外的其他技术堆栈,包括 Polygon Edge,最后,Saga还可以提供除了Cosmos SDK和Tendermint之外的其他技术栈的支持。

Saga 之前称为 Project Sagan,成立于 2021 年底,是Ignite(以前称为 Tendermint)的孵化项目,Saga 是 Ignite 成功孵化的优质项目之一。
Ignite 是Cosmos背后的开发商,Cosmos的 IBC、SDK 模块、TypeScript都是Ignite和母公司完成的。所以Saga用到Cosmos很多板块一点都不奇怪。
在第一阶段,$SAGA 代币在 Saga 安全链上线,Saga 的总供应量为 10 亿代币,分配如下:
核心贡献者 (20%),代币有 3 年锁定期,从 TGE 开始有 1 年cliff锁定期;私募投资(20%),目前已分配10%,其余10%将用于未来的筹款。代币有 3 年锁定期,从 TGE 开始有 1 年cliff锁定期;生态系统与发展 (30%)基金会储备金 (10%)空投 (20%)
$SAGA 代币将分发给对 Saga 生态系统表现出有用行为的构建者、质押者、持有者和终端用户。 20% 的分配将分配到多个阶段:
代币总供应量的 6% 将在第1阶段空投,即 TGE 空投(60,000,000 代币)代币总供应量的 4% 将从第 2 至第 6 阶段空投(40,000,000 个代币);代币总供应量的 10% 将在第六阶段后通过多次空投活动进行空投;

根据往期 BNB 池进行计算,前十期的平均年化收益率为 116% ,假设本次挖矿的年化收益率也是 116% ;
按照挖矿 4 天计算,则代币的价格为 3.8 USDT按照最低收益率 48% 计算,保底价格为 1.5 USDT。按照合理价格计算,Saga的初始流通市值为3.42亿美元,FDV为38亿美元;按照保底价格计算,Saga的初始流通市值为1.35亿美元,FDV为15亿美元。
综上,Saga($SAGA)代币的开盘合理价格为2.5–4u之间。 个人觉得大概率开盘价会在3U以上,如果低于3U我可能会看情况买入一些。

Can GALA Price Explode 160% By Mid-2024?
Can GALA Price Explode 160% by Mid-2024?

NAIROBI ( – GALA’s price could explode later this year based on price movement that has formed a bull pennant pattern on the 1-day price chart. This bull pennant suggests a 160% price increase could unfold if the pattern completes as typical examples suggest. The price consolidated between converging trendlines since its early 2024 surge. Breakouts from such patterns usually result in moves similar to the height of the previous uptrend, projected from the point of breakout.

GALA price chart. Source: CoinMarkertCap

As of April 3, 2024, the GALA token trades at $0.05686 with a 7-day decrease of 16.58%. Despite recent declines, its market capitalization stands strong at $1,686,000,936, ranking 64th in the market. A slight reduction of 24-hour trading volume to $149,697,203 does not overshadow its robust volume-to-market cap ratio.

Underlying Strengths Support Potential Growth

GALA’s price movement has formed a bull pennant pattern on the charts, drawing attention in trading circles. The formation typically indicates a continuation of an upward trend following a brief consolidation. The 50-day exponential moving average (EMA) lies above the 200-day EMA, reinforcing bullish sentiment.

GALA 1-day price chart. Source: TradingView

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) sits at 46.83, suggesting that GALA is neither overbought nor oversold at this point. Traders often regard such an RSI level as a neutral signal, giving room for price movements in either direction. However, with the bull pennant in play and the halving event on the horizon, the potential for the GALA price to explode is present.

Recent Developments Fuel GALA Price Rise

Several recent developments are likely contributing to the bullish sentiment around GALA. First, Gala Games announced a partnership with Staynex, a next-generation travel platform that will leverage the Gala chain for a seamless travel experience. This partnership could bring new users to the Gala ecosystem and increase demand for GALA.

GALA Partnership with Staynex. Source: X

Second, the upcoming Bitcoin halving event in two weeks could serve as a supportive bullish catalyst for GALA and the broader crypto market. Historically, halving events have led to positive price action across the crypto sector.

GALA’s current technical configuration, backed by on-chain data and recent fundamental developments, suggests a possible 160% price surge by mid-2024. However, as the market anticipates the Bitcoin halving and assesses the impact of the Gala-Staynex partnership, traders should seek volume-backed confirmation before committing to positions. In the fast-paced and unpredictable crypto market, prudence and informed decision-making remain as critical as ever.

The post Can GALA Price Explode 160% by Mid-2024? appeared first on CoinChapter.
Top Solana Airdrops to Watch in April for Maximum Profits
The post Top Solana Airdrops to Watch in April for Maximum Profits appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

Crypto airdrops have become the talk of the crypto town as the traders look forward to getting free tokens distributed by bubbling protocols. Investors use different hunting methods to scour good potential airdrops, allowing them to participate in free token rewards. In this report by Coinpedia, we have covered top Solana airdrops to look for in April 2024 for maximum gains!

Solana is the leading chain when it comes to crypto adoption in 2024. We are sure that the year will be filled with Solana airdrops. We have already witnessed the Jito $JTO airdrop, where $1 SOL would give you up to $17,000 in Jito Airdrop. April could be the ultimate month for Solana airdrops in 2024. 

Let us have a look at the top Solana airdrops in April 2024!

Top Solana Airdrops to look for in April

Let us take a look at Solana-based projects that might potentially participate in Solana airdrops in 2024:


With a tagline like “Make Solana Liquid Again”, Meteora is a liquid staking protocol that looks into transforming Solana into the ultimate trading hub for mainstream users in crypto by working on sustainable, long-term liquidity to the space. 


Blazestake is a fully non-custodial stake pool protocol supported by the Solana Foundation. Users would potentially receive BlazeStake staked SOL (bSOL) tokens when they stake $SOL on BlazeStake, which can be worked with different dApps in the Solana ecosystem.


Sharky is an NFT lending space that allows its users to borrow and lend NFTs and buy/hold Sharx NFTs. The reason for the airdrop could be the $SHARK token generation event. 

Kamino finance

Kamino finance is a protocol that combines lending, liquidity, and leverage into a single product. The $KMNO token launch is the reason for the upcoming airdrop by the Solana ecosystem’s Kamino finance. 

Zeta Market

Zeta market is a DEX that offers the speed and user experience of a centralized exchange while giving full self-custody and transparency for users by working on a public blockchain network. $ZETA launch might trigger the upcoming airdrop by the platform!


It is a Solana-based perpetual futures trading-focused DEX that supports cross-margin perpetual trading on real estate markets. $PRCL is scheduled to launch in April 2024 and will be huge!


Backpack is the first known wallet for xNFTs, where users can swap tokens, trade NFTs, and message apps and connect them to Ledger. The airdrop will happen to promote the Backpack network. 

These potential April airdrops could make you richer with hefty profits. We suggest you look for these Solana airdrops in 2024!
Ethena 正在构建衍生品基础设施,使以太坊能够通过 stETH 上的 Delta 中性头寸转型为全球互联网债券,从而创建第一个加密原生、具有收益的稳定币:USDE。该项目由币安实验室孵化。

两轮融资都是由 Dragonfly 领投,跟投方也都是顶级机构比如:Binance Labs、OKX Ventures、Kraken Ventures、Wintermute等等...

4 月 2 日空投 7.5 亿枚 ENA,符合资格的用户地址超 90,000 个(积分排行前 2000 名的用户以及 Pendle 的 YT 代币持有者初始仅解锁 50%,其余 50% 在 6 个月内线性解锁。此外,本次空投总量 3%(总供应量 0.15%)的代币将分配给 SchizoPosters 以及 Redacted Remilio Babies 系列 NFT 持有者。)
Guy Young:创始人兼首席执行官,拥有超过 20 年的金融市场经验,曾在摩根士丹利、高盛和 Citadel 等顶级金融机构担任交易员和管理职务。
Elliot Parker:产品管理主管,拥有超过 10 年的产品管理经验,曾在 Google、Facebook 和 Amazon 等科技巨头公司工作。
Conor Ryder:研究主管,拥有超过 5 年的加密货币研究经验,曾在 BitMEX、Deribit 和 Aave 等领先的加密货币公司工作。

Ethena Labs 及其稳定币 USDe 的深度解析
Ethena Labs 是一家致力于打造「Delta 中性」稳定币 USDe 的项目。
该项目受到了 BitMEX 创始人 Arthur Hayes 的大力支持,他甚至亲自铸造了大量 USDe。
USDe 的抵押资产由等量的现货 ETH 多头以及期货 ETH 空头共同构成,旨在实现抵押仓位不受 ETH 价格小幅波动的影响。
USDe 的最大亮点在于其可观的收益率,官方数据显示其最高年化收益率可达 87.55%。
收益率高:USDe 为质押用户提供了来自现货多头质押的稳定收益以及期货空头资金费率的不稳定收益,两者迭加可实现高额收益。
抗风险能力强:由于采用了「Delta 中性」设计,USDe 的抵押仓位在一定程度上能够抵御 ETH 价格波动的风险。
期货合约开设平台的安全风险:无论是 DEX 还是 CEX 均存在黑客攻击风险。
资金费率风险:资金费率存在转负的可能性,如果综合收益率为负,则会对 USDe 的稳定性造成威胁。
USDe 的实时总铸造数额为 2.34 亿美元,过去几个月内均保持着强劲的增长态势。
Ethena Labs 刚刚完成了 1400 万美元的战略融资,并将产品访问权限放开。
Ethena Labs 正在积极寻求与其他项目的合作,以进一步推动 USDe 的发展。
Ethena Labs 将继续完善 USDe 的产品功能,并扩大其市场影响力。
USDe 有望成为稳定币赛道中的一匹黑马,为用户提供更高收益率和更安全的稳定币选择。
Ethena Labs 将如何解决 USDe 所面临的潜在风险?
USDe 的公开发布将会对稳定币市场产生怎样的影响?
Ethena Labs 未来将如何发展其业务?
#gala #CryptoNews🚀🔥 expectativas positivas . por dominación de mercados futuros. yo creo que podría subir corto hacia 1.9 $ esperemos y tu ?
#gala #CryptoNews🚀🔥 expectativas positivas . por dominación de mercados futuros. yo creo que podría subir corto hacia 1.9 $ esperemos y tu ?
Kevin Cryptonomist
GALA, a cryptocurrency, has experienced a 6.37% increase against the US Dollar, outperforming the overall crypto market, which saw a 5.39% increase in market cap. Despite the recent gains, GALA is still trading 19.76% below its predicted price of $0.085877 by April 4, 2024. The coin has shown a positive trend in the last month, with a 72.01% gain, and a 66.21% increase since a year ago. However, the cryptocurrency market remains unpredictable, and even major assets display significant price volatility. Investors should exercise caution and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.
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What Happens to the Price of #Solana When It Crosses the $200 Mark? Will It Reach $1,000 This Year?

With its present stable position in the $180-$190 range, the price of Solana is riding an increasing momentum wave, almost nearing the $200 level.

The popularity of meme currencies like Dogwifhat (WIF), BONK, SLERF, and Book of Meme (BOME) has brought attention to the Solana network and encouraged strong investment flows, contributing to the 60% monthly spike in the price of SOL.

Meanwhile, investor confidence is being bolstered by Solana's DeFi sector development and ecosystem soundness, which is promoting long-term holding rather than fast profit-taking in the hopes of more increases.

With a Total Value Locked (TVL) close to $5 billion, Solana's decentralized finance (DeFi) industry is booming, reaching a level not seen since February 2022.

This expansion demonstrates the growing faith in Solana's financial ecosystem, which is reflected in the increasing participation and confidence in its DeFi platforms.

The rising investment is highlighted by Solana's DeFi TVL's jump to approximately $5 billion.

Stock market ups and downs notwithstanding, rising TVL shows that investors are still keen on Solana's DeFi.

As SOL, Solana's native token, gets more popular for DeFi activities, its rise indicates that its value may expand in the long run.
Estimated cost of Solana: SOL Experiences Rampant Upturn

Positive financing rates in the futures market have surged, suggesting that traders are optimistic on the future price of Solana.

This pattern suggests that traders are becoming more open to taking long positions, which is driving up the demand for Solana.

The positive financing rates have caused Solana's price to rise, since they indicate that traders are bullish.

The increase in Solana's DeFi TVL fosters optimism, which in turn supports higher pricing for $SOL .

The continued excitement over Solana's DeFi potential may cause a breakthrough above $210, even if resistance above $209 is a problem.
#WIF #BONE #Memecoins
NODLE """***"""**nueva app para generar recompensas solo por mantenerla abierta.. usa el desecho de línea.
actualmente ya se puede usar exangüe para extraer beneficios..pero más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando.. por eso recomendamos no intercambiar aún.a parte puedes crear hotspot con más celulares y seguir generando ingresos.
vale la pena probarla, pues yo tengo el móvil lleno de apps y de momento Nodle NODL
es la única que me está dando crédito 💳💳💳
invito a probar y crear una red más grande y prospera en la que el toque cotiza a 0.007834 ,$
y subiendo un 8% aunque manteniendo su bases ya que la gente no se puede volver loca y sacar el poco beneficio de una.
a part integra un apartado para generar NFT que son coleccionables. y en las siguientes fases de podrá comerciar.
también puedes enviar tus NODLES dentro de la misma plataforma. optimizando tus ingresos y pudiendo así comprobar que puedes intercambiar y trabajar con ellos.. espero que le deis un poco de interés ya que creo que explotará en el bull run y alcanzará el punto de 0.01234 a 0.1234$ suerte 🍀🤞🤞🍀🤞🤞🍀🍀🤞🤞🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 🤞
NODLE """***"""**nueva app para generar recompensas solo por mantenerla abierta.. usa el desecho de línea. actualmente ya se puede usar exangüe para extraer beneficios..pero más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando.. por eso recomendamos no intercambiar aún.a parte puedes crear hotspot con más celulares y seguir generando ingresos. vale la pena probarla, pues yo tengo el móvil lleno de apps y de momento Nodle NODL es la única que me está dando crédito 💳💳💳 invito a probar y crear una red más grande y prospera en la que el toque cotiza a 0.007834 ,$ y subiendo un 8% aunque manteniendo su bases ya que la gente no se puede volver loca y sacar el poco beneficio de una. a part integra un apartado para generar NFT que son coleccionables. y en las siguientes fases de podrá comerciar. también puedes enviar tus NODLES dentro de la misma plataforma. optimizando tus ingresos y pudiendo así comprobar que puedes intercambiar y trabajar con ellos.. espero que le deis un poco de interés ya que creo que explotará en el bull run y alcanzará el punto de 0.01234 a 0.1234$ suerte 🍀🤞🤞🍀🤞🤞🍀🍀🤞🤞🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 🤞
NODLE """***"""**nueva app para generar recompensas solo por mantenerla abierta.. usa el desecho de línea.
actualmente ya se puede usar exangüe para extraer beneficios..pero más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando.. por eso recomendamos no intercambiar aún.a parte puedes crear hotspot con más celulares y seguir generando ingresos.
vale la pena probarla, pues yo tengo el móvil lleno de apps y de momento Nodle NODL
es la única que me está dando crédito 💳💳💳
invito a probar y crear una red más grande y prospera en la que el toque cotiza a 0.007834 ,$
y subiendo un 8% aunque manteniendo su bases ya que la gente no se puede volver loca y sacar el poco beneficio de una.
a part integra un apartado para generar NFT que son coleccionables. y en las siguientes fases de podrá comerciar.
también puedes enviar tus NODLES dentro de la misma plataforma. optimizando tus ingresos y pudiendo así comprobar que puedes intercambiar y trabajar con ellos.. espero que le deis un poco de interés ya que creo que explotará en el bull run y alcanzará el punto de 0.01234 a 0.1234$ suerte 🍀🤞🤞🍀🤞🤞🍀🍀🤞🤞🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 🤞
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Solana-like Coin Surges 300%; Analyst Says It’s the Next Big Thing
In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, where fortunes can be made overnight, Retik Finance (RETIK) has emerged as a dark horse, surging an impressive 300% in a matter of weeks. This remarkable ascent has caught the attention of analysts and investors alike, with many heralding Retik Finance as the next big thing in the crypto space. In this article, we’ll delve into the factors driving Retik Finance’s meteoric rise and why analysts believe it has the potential to rival industry giants like Solana.

Click Here To Take Part In Retik Finance Presale

The Rise of Retik Finance (RETIK)

Retik Finance (RETIK) has experienced an unprecedented surge in value, skyrocketing by 300% in recent weeks. This impressive growth has propelled Retik Finance into the spotlight, as investors scramble to capitalise on its potential. Like Solana, Retik Finance has captured the imagination of the crypto community with its innovative approach to decentralised finance (DeFi) and its potential to disrupt the status quo. With its innovative features and promising roadmap, Retik Finance has quickly garnered a loyal following within the crypto community, positioning itself as a formidable contender in the market.

Analysts’ Projections

Analysts are bullish on Retik Finance’s prospects, citing its strong fundamentals and disruptive potential as key drivers of its growth. Many believe that Retik Finance has the hallmarks of a Solana-like success story, with its robust platform and innovative solutions poised to capture market share in the burgeoning DeFi landscape. With its recent surge in value, analysts predict that Retik Finance (RETIK) could continue its upward trajectory, potentially rivaling the market dominance of established players like Solana.

Comparing Retik Finance (RETIK) to Solana (SOL)

While Solana has long been hailed as a pioneer in the crypto space, Retik Finance is quickly gaining ground as a worthy competitor. Both projects share a commitment to scalability, speed, and interoperability, making them attractive options for investors seeking high-growth opportunities. However, Retik Finance distinguishes itself with its unique features and innovative approach to decentralised finance, setting it apart as a Solana-like coin with immense potential.

Key Features of Retik Finance (RETIK)  

Retik Finance offers a comprehensive suite of decentralised finance (DeFi) solutions, including a non-custodial wallet, swap aggregator, payment gateway, AI-powered P2P lending, and perpetual futures/options trading. These cutting-edge features empower users to manage their cryptocurrency assets seamlessly while accessing a diverse array of financial tools and services. With its user-centric approach and commitment to innovation, Retik Finance is poised to disrupt the status quo and redefine the DeFi landscape.

Investor Sentiment

The surge of Retik Finance by 300% has ignited a wave of enthusiasm among investors, with many recognizing its potential for substantial gains. As Retik Finance continues to gain momentum, investors are eagerly participating in its presale stages, eager to secure a stake in its promising future. With a growing community of supporters and a clear roadmap for development, Retik Finance is poised to attract even more attention in the coming months.

Analysts’ Recommendations

Given Retik Finance’s impressive growth and promising outlook, analysts are advising investors to consider adding RETIK to their portfolios. With its recent surge in value and strong fundamentals, Retik Finance offers a compelling investment opportunity for those seeking exposure to high-growth assets in the crypto market. As Retik Finance continues to innovate and expand its ecosystem, analysts believe that its value proposition will only strengthen over time, making it a solid long-term investment choice.


As Retik Finance (RETIK) continues to make waves in the crypto space, analysts are increasingly optimistic about its prospects for future growth. With its Solana-like surge of 300% and a slew of innovative features, Retik Finance has cemented its position as a rising star in the DeFi landscape. As investors flock to capitalise on its potential, Retik Finance stands poised to reshape the future of decentralised finance and emerge as a dominant force in the crypto market.

Click Here To Take Part In Retik Finance Presale

Visit the links below for more information about Retik Finance (RETIK):




Disclaimer: TheNewsCrypto does not endorse any content on this page. The content depicted in this article does not represent any investment advice. TheNewsCrypto recommends our readers to make decisions based on their own research. TheNewsCrypto is not accountable for any damage or loss related to content, products, or services stated in this article.
Step Into The Future with Retik Finance..

RETIK FINANCE Pre-sales Continue to impress the Crypto Space as Stages are filling up at a rapid pace.

Stage 09 was Sold out with an impressive speed  & Stage 10 “ The Final stage" expected to be sold out soon as well  …

Sofar $RETIK has raised a massive $27.4 Million from its $32 Million pre- sales Target..
Stage 10 selling price is set at - $0.12 

With the Current pace,  Launch will be Sooner than expected & most of the Major Top tier exchanges will come in to be initial Listing partners in this Hugly potential project…

Retik Finance
Retik Finance innovates in DeFi with its Futuristic DeFi Debit Cards, Smart Crypto Payment Gateway, AI-Powered Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending and Multi-Chain Non-Custodial Highly Secured DeFi Wallet, aiming to redefine global transactions.

#Write2Earn #Retik
MERCADOS Y COTIZACIONES Ocultar o no tributar criptomonedas se multa con hasta 20.000 euros o el 150% de lo dejado de ingresar Los usuarios deben declarar las pérdidas y ganancias en la Renta desde 2021 Hacienda embargará las criptomonedas para cobrar deudas de los contribuyentes Representación de varias criptomonedas. Hacienda ha puesto el foco en los últimos años en controlar la tenencia de criptomonedas por parte de los contribuyentes para no dejar escapar su tributación. Ocultar los divisas digitales que los ciudadanos tienen en el extranjero se multa con hasta 20.000 euros, mientras que no tributar las ganancias que se obtienen con la inversión se sanciona con hasta el 150% de lo dejado de ingresar al fisco. Los ciudadanos tienen desde 2021 la obligación de declarar en el IRPF las ganancias o pérdidas por la inversión en criptomonedas. En el caso de no hacerlo, afrontan sanciones de hasta el 150% del total de los impuestos que deben abonar a Hacienda por dichas ganancias. Las ventas de criptomonedas tributan como la venta de cualquier otro activo tradicional, es decir, una ganancia o pérdida patrimonial que va en la base imponible del ahorro. Mientras que los tipos que se aplican son del 19% por ganancias de hasta 6.000 euros; del 21% si superan los 6.000 euros y hasta los 50.000 euros; del 23% entre los 50.001 euros y 200.000 euros; y del 26% si exceden los 200.000 euros. Además, desde este año, los contribuyentes deben informar a Hacienda antes del 31 de marzo de las criptomonedas que tienen fuera, siempre que superen los 50.000 euros de valor. Ocultar estos activos, según la gravedad de la infracción, está sancionado desde los 20 euros por dato escondido a los 20.000 euros.

Ocultar o no tributar criptomonedas se multa con hasta 20.000 euros o el 150% de lo dejado de ingresar
Los usuarios deben declarar las pérdidas y ganancias en la Renta desde 2021
Hacienda embargará las criptomonedas para cobrar deudas de los contribuyentes
Representación de varias criptomonedas.
Hacienda ha puesto el foco en los últimos años en controlar la tenencia de criptomonedas por parte de los contribuyentes para no dejar escapar su tributación. Ocultar los divisas digitales que los ciudadanos tienen en el extranjero se multa con hasta 20.000 euros, mientras que no tributar las ganancias que se obtienen con la inversión se sanciona con hasta el 150% de lo dejado de ingresar al fisco.

Los ciudadanos tienen desde 2021 la obligación de declarar en el IRPF las ganancias o pérdidas por la inversión en criptomonedas. En el caso de no hacerlo, afrontan sanciones de hasta el 150% del total de los impuestos que deben abonar a Hacienda por dichas ganancias.

Las ventas de criptomonedas tributan como la venta de cualquier otro activo tradicional, es decir, una ganancia o pérdida patrimonial que va en la base imponible del ahorro. Mientras que los tipos que se aplican son del 19% por ganancias de hasta 6.000 euros; del 21% si superan los 6.000 euros y hasta los 50.000 euros; del 23% entre los 50.001 euros y 200.000 euros; y del 26% si exceden los 200.000 euros.

Además, desde este año, los contribuyentes deben informar a Hacienda antes del 31 de marzo de las criptomonedas que tienen fuera, siempre que superen los 50.000 euros de valor. Ocultar estos activos, según la gravedad de la infracción, está sancionado desde los 20 euros por dato escondido a los 20.000 euros.
#nodle aquí tienes un enlace a la app Nodle"Nodle es una revolucionaria aplicación que está transformando la forma en que se conectan los dispositivos del Internet de las Cosas (IoT). Utilizando la tecnología blockchain, Nodle crea una red de dispositivos conectados que son rastreados y localizados mediante la tecnología de los teléfonos móviles de sus usuarios. Esto no solo mejora la eficiencia y la seguridad de los dispositivos IoT, sino que también crea una nueva forma de ganar dinero digital.Como usuario de Nodle, simplemente descarg

#nodle aquí tienes un enlace a la app Nodle

"Nodle es una revolucionaria aplicación que está transformando la forma en que se conectan los dispositivos del Internet de las Cosas (IoT). Utilizando la tecnología blockchain, Nodle crea una red de dispositivos conectados que son rastreados y localizados mediante la tecnología de los teléfonos móviles de sus usuarios. Esto no solo mejora la eficiencia y la seguridad de los dispositivos IoT, sino que también crea una nueva forma de ganar dinero digital.Como usuario de Nodle, simplemente descarg
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Solana (SOL) and Celestia (TIA) Are Altcoins to Hold Until the Market Bottoms Out
Strategic Positioning for Profit with Solana (SOL)
Over the last several months, the environment of Solana (SOL) has been getting the appropriate amount of attention that it demands. SOL, a utility token, was one of the alternative cryptocurrencies that performed the best in the same year. In terms of market capitalization, it is comparable to Ripple (XRP) and momentarily eclipsed Binance Coin (BNB).
This new year brings with it even more potential. Solana is one of the greatest currencies to invest in since it has a lot of potential opportunities in the future. It is anticipated that the price of its revolutionary DeFi solution would increase as a result of the growing demand for it.
Given that 2024 is expected to be a bull market, Solana will have a meteoric rise, very possibly exceeding the extraordinary performance it achieved in the previous year. You should get a bag of SOL and include it in your cryptocurrency portfolio so that you do not lose out on the opportunity.
Celestia (TIA): A brand-new player with an incredible amount of potential
After making its debut on the cryptocurrency market during the fourth quarter of 2023, Celestia (TIA) has not been seen or heard from since. It is a potential play that you do not want to miss out on this year since it is now putting its foot on the throttle. On its path toward price discovery, it has established highs after highs, which places it among the top cryptocurrencies that are now available for purchase.
Celestia, being a new cryptocurrency, has a more potential for growth than other cryptocurrencies when they were at their highest points. As a result, investment in TIA is more enticing than investing in the majority of the top alternative cryptocurrencies now available on the market.
To add insult to injury, the Celestia ecosystem is continuously expanding, which means that airdrop farming via TIA staking in order to acquire airdrops from new projects generates even more demand for tokens. This will also help to its price growth, making it an alternative cryptocurrency that should be monitored.
#sol #tia #TrendingTopic #TradeNTell
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Binance Pool
Binance Pool Launches Presale of Cloud Mining Products (2024-01-08) ⛏️⛏️⛏️

Fellow Binancians,
Binance is launching a presale of Cloud Mining products for BTC mining.

During the Subscription Period, users who purchase a new Cloud Mining product will stand to enjoy 30% discount on cloud mining management fees. 

Presale Details:
🔸 Subscription Period: 2024-01-08 02:00 (UTC) to 2024-01-31 02:00 (UTC)
🔸 Subscription Format: First-come, first-served basis
🔸 Estimated Mining Start Time: 2024-02-09 04:00 (UTC)
🔸 Mining Duration: 90 days


🔸 Cloud Mining products in this presale are limited, and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. 

🔸 Users can purchase CloudMining products via the Binance App homepage.

🔸 If the mining hashrate cannot be delivered by 2024-02-09 04:00 (UTC) due to force majeure and other unforeseen factors, all impacted users will receive a refund on their purchases in their Spot Wallets.

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