E0S R A M 最近跌的真不小,真的让人感觉这就是一场骗局。其实要看是不是骗局,不能从表面上看,不然肯定会有偏差。要分析是不是骗局,需要从整个R A M启动过程来分析。
R A M从去年年底关闭通胀开始进入快速上升通道,大概在0.5 EO S左右,EO S新代币开始提出要用3.5亿E OS发展RA M市场,进行做市,其中3500万直接购买RA M。3500万EO S购买R AM,会在EO S主网升级到spring1.0前完成(当时指的是7月31),目前已经完成投入1800多万EO S购买R AM,还剩余1600多万E OS未进行购买。
exSat uses Spring software and RAM as the metadata storage layer. RAM ensures stability, flexibility, and decentralization. Spring introduces the Savanna consensus algorithm to achieve timely termination in 1-2 seconds. This series of technologies combines strengths, promotes the outbreak of the BTC ecosystem, and boosts the huge market value of RAM. Therefore, the success of exSat will be the common success of BTC, Spring, and RAM, which will demonstrate the unique application scenarios and market value of RAM in the blockchain industry. The countdown has begun, so stay tuned!