Should the DAO allocate funds from the White Knights and the Arbitrum Foundation to the pNetwork Community Association to support the development of pNetwork v4?
🧵The development of pNetwork v4 is almost complete, and it's time to introduce two key community-driven components: the Security Council and pNetwork v4 Nodes.
1/3 ⚠️ As we continue to streamline our ecosystem in preparation for pNetwork v4, a new list of pTokens will no longer be supported due to minimal adoption or integration challenges.
Holders of these pTokens 👇 are urged to redeem their native tokens using the pNetwork dApp ASAP
1/ 🚀 We’re thrilled to announce that the @EOSNetworkFDN has agreed to provide pNetwork with a $60,000 grant to support the development and deployment of pNetwork v4 on the $EOS blockchain! 🤝
1/3 ⚠️ In preparation for pNetwork v4, we're phasing out a select list of pTokens that won’t be supported in pNetwork v4 due to minimal adoption or integration challenges.
To ensure a smooth redeem process, pToken holders must redeem their native assets ASAP