Descubre las características, pros y contras de las tres principales wallets Web3 que se destacaron este año. A medida que avanzamos hacia 2024, las carteras Web3 (o wallets Web3) están ganando popularidad impulsadas por el creciente reconocimiento del potencial de la tecnología blockchain y por la creciente adopción masiva de criptomonedas y activos digitales. Las wallets Web3 ofrecen un enfoque descentralizado para la gestión de activos, contrastando fuertemente con los sistemas financieros tradicionales centralizados. Empoderan a los usuarios con control directo sobre sus activos digitales, eliminando la necesidad de intermediarios. Esta autonomía resuena fuertemente con la visión del Web3: una internet más centrada en el usuario y enfocada en la privacidad. Antes de continuar, vamos a entender qué es una wallet Web3. ¿Qué es una Wallet Web3? Una Wallet Web3 (también conocida como WW3) es una cartera digital que transforma fundamentalmente cómo poseemos, monetizamos y gestionamos nuestro contenido, identidad y activos. Estas wallets, que abarcan opciones tanto de hardware como de software, van más allá del mero acceso a fondos. Facilitan la interacción sin esfuerzo con aplicaciones descentralizadas (dApps), actúan como portales para servicios financieros no tradicionales, permiten colecciones de NFTs, crean identidades on-chain, promueven colaboraciones comunitarias y ofrecen una gama de funcionalidades que superan las capacidades de las wallets tradicionales. Al igual que una cartera física guarda dinero, una cartera Web3 almacena de forma segura el acceso a monedas digitales. Además, puede guardar otros activos digitales, como NFTs, y permite que los usuarios se involucren directamente con dApps, eliminando la necesidad de intermediarios. Es esencial entender que estas wallets no contienen físicamente criptomonedas; en cambio, almacenan la información crucial necesaria para acceder a los fondos digitales. La composición de una cartera cripto generalmente incluye tres elementos principales: Clave Pública: Sirve como una dirección para actividades transaccionales, tanto de envío como de recepción.Clave Privada: Un componente confidencial y vital, usado para autorizar transacciones y proporcionar acceso a los fondos.Seed Phrase (o frase secreta): Actúa como la clave fundamental para generar varias claves privadas y funciona como una llave maestra, otorgando acceso a una amplia gama de claves y direcciones en una wallet. Dentro del espacio Web3, existe una diversidad de wallets, cada una adaptada a las preferencias y objetivos específicos de los usuarios en la gestión de datos y fondos. Experimentar con varios tipos es a menudo la mejor manera de identificar la cartera que mejor se adapta a tus necesidades individuales. Principales 3 Wallets Web3 para 2024 Binance Web3 Wallet La Binance Web3 Wallet, integrada en la aplicación de Binance, es una cartera de criptomonedas de auto-custodia enfocada en el escenario de las finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi). Actúa como un portal digital para una serie de aplicaciones basadas en blockchain (dApps), proporcionando una manera segura y eficiente para que los usuarios gestionen sus monedas digitales, participen en intercambios de tokens entre varias cadenas, participen en actividades de rendimiento y accedan a diversos ecosistemas blockchain. La tecnología de Computación Multi-Party (MPC) empleada por la wallet supervisa cada transacción. Esta tecnología es fundamental para eliminar puntos únicos de fallo, garantizando la seguridad de los activos de los usuarios. La wallet también incorpora características adicionales de seguridad, como protección contra direcciones incorrectas y detección de contratos potencialmente maliciosos. Estos recursos están diseñados para alertar a los usuarios sobre cualquier riesgo de seguridad asociado a tokens o blockchains durante las transacciones. La Binance Web3 Wallet crea tres key-shares separadas, que se almacenan de forma segura en diferentes ubicaciones, incluyendo la nube personal y el dispositivo del usuario. Acceder a la Web3 Wallet requiere al menos dos de estas key-shares, reforzando la autonomía y el control del usuario sobre su wallet. MetaMask MetaMask permite a los usuarios comprar tokens ERC-20 directamente dentro de la aplicación y mantiene un enfoque no custodial, dando a los usuarios control sobre sus claves privadas. Sin embargo, siendo una wallet online, MetaMask es más susceptible a riesgos de hacking en comparación con wallets offline, también conocidas como carteras frías. Aunque MetaMask en sí no monitorea los datos del usuario, el navegador utilizado puede potencialmente recopilar información sobre las interacciones de los usuarios con la extensión MetaMask, lo que puede afectar la privacidad. Además, el soporte de MetaMask está limitado a Ethereum y otros tokens basados en ETH. Ledger Wallet Las wallets de hardware de Ledger priorizan la seguridad aislando las claves privadas en un chip seguro, desconectado de internet. Durante la configuración, los usuarios reciben una frase de recuperación, esencial para la gestión de activos, que debe ser almacenada de forma segura y offline. Las transacciones son autenticadas directamente en el dispositivo, reduciendo los riesgos de amenazas online, como keyloggers o malware. Sin embargo, las carteras Ledger son vulnerables al robo físico y pueden representar riesgos durante viajes internacionales. El uso de estas wallets puede ser algo inconveniente, requiriendo una conexión física para transacciones y múltiples navegaciones por botones. Los procesos de respaldo también son algo complicados, involucrando la entrada manual de una seed phrase de 24 palabras y su registro offline. ¿Las Wallets Web3 son Seguras? A diferencia de las wallets tradicionales con una única clave vulnerable, la Computación Multi-Party (MPC) distribuye la clave entre servidores seguros, eliminando puntos únicos de fallo y pérdidas potenciales. Ya no hay preocupación por frases-semente perdidas: la MPC se encarga de eso, siendo ideal para principiantes en criptomonedas. Y con la autorización de varias partes para transacciones, los fraudes de phishing y la ingeniería social se convierten en una memoria distante. Las carteras del tipo MPC son el futuro de la auto-custodia segura y accesible, revolucionando el mundo cripto con cada transacción. #wallet #Web3 --- Imagen de Sakura Tanaka, disponible en Freepik
Venez mes amis , l'opportunité sur TON est le future ... Je teste les Mini -jeux et je valide que du beau ... Formons une équipe de minage : Je valide : Ajoutez https:// au début du lien 💎💎💎👍
1. Strong Use Case: $NOT has a well-defined use case that addresses a significant problem or offers a unique service in the blockchain ecosystem. 2. Innovative Technology: The underlying technology of $NOT is advanced and offers features that are superior to those of competing cryptocurrencies. 3. Experienced Team: The development team behind $NOT has a strong track record in the cryptocurrency space and related industries. 4. Strategic Partnerships: $NOT has established partnerships with major companies and projects, enhancing its credibility and potential for widespread adoption. 5. Growing Community: A large and active community supports $NOT, driving awareness and adoption through grassroots efforts. 6. Regulatory Compliance: $NOT has taken steps to ensure compliance with relevant regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues that could hinder its growth. 7. Market Trends: The overall trend in the cryptocurrency market is bullish, providing a favorable environment for $NOT to appreciate in value. 8. Scarcity and Demand: $NOT has a capped supply, and increasing demand for its utility could drive its price up significantly. 9. Strong Tokenomics: The tokenomics of $NOT, including mechanisms like staking or burning, create positive price pressure. 10. Positive News and Developments: Regularly releasing positive news, updates, and developments keeps $NOT in the spotlight and maintains investor interest and confidence. These factors, if realized, could collectively contribute to $NOT reaching the $10 mark.
#NOT n'est pas une pièce Ordinaire ! C'est ce que je pense selon plusieurs critères bien expliquer dans l'article .
لماذا يجب الاحتفاظ بالعملة الرقمية الجديدة NOT في محفظتي الرقمية ما هو مستقبلها ؟ ⚡الحقيقة الكاملة⚡
مرحبا بالجميع .... اعتذر عن التاخير في هذا المقال . ⚡لماذا يجب الاحتفاظ بالعملة الرقمية #Notcion ? هل تعلم بأن عملة $NOT أهم من عملات #PEPE✈ و #SHİB و #DOGE🔥🔥 . عدد عملة NOT 102 B فقط .. جميع العملات الميم عددها بالترليون و عملة Doge عددها 143B .وسعرها 0.18$ لان الأهم لا يوجد 35 مليون مستخدم يحمل #PEPE✈ و #Dogecoin و shib .. السبب الأهم هو بأن عدد مستخدمين الحاملين للعملة هو 35 مليون مستخدم . هل تعلم بأن عملة NOT هي العملة الوحيدة حتى الآن لديها 35 مليون مستخدم يحملها . مجرد ان يستثمر المستخدمين الحاملين للرمز .. سترتفع قيمته ل أسعار غير متوقع بإختصار تخيل لو استثمر كل شخص 100$في الرمز NOT كم ستبلغ القيمة السوقية لعملة NOT 🤔 الليلة الماضية جميعنا نعرف بأن أكثر من 500الف مستخدم تبرعو بيما يقارب قيمته اكتر 6 مليون دولار وقال سيحتفظ بالرمز إلى أن يصبح x100 . حيث تهدف Notcoin إلى إعادة إطلاق لعبتها والتطور إلى **"Netflix للألعاب الاجتماعية واسعة الانتشار"*
👀🔥 👇 🔸 سيستمر مشروع Notcoin في العمل على شبكة $TON وليس لديه أي خطط لإنشاء شبكته الخاصة. وهم يعتقدون أن هذا التآزر سيساعد كلا المشروعين على اكتساب شعبية كبيرة. 🔸 تهدف Notcoin إلى الاندماج في قطاعات مختلفة، مثل منصة التلفزيون والأفلام المشهورة عالميًا Netflix وخدمة بث الموسيقى Spotify. 🔸 كانت النقطة البارزة هي أن NOT ليست عملة ميمي؛ إنه مشروع مبني على قيم المجتمع. 🔸 من المتوقع أن يحقق الستاكينغ أرباحًا كبيرة. ومع إجمالي العرض المتداول بالفعل، يمكن للمستخدمين المشاركة في الحملات المستهدفة ورفع مستواها والمشاركة فيها من خلال التكامل مع المشاريع المختلفة. 👀 🔸 عندما سُئلوا عن هدفهم النهائي، أجابوا: "أن نكون على الطريق الصحيح ليصبحوا "Netflix for Community Gaming"." 🔥 🔥 الاستثمارات والشراكات الاستراتيجية: أعلن دان مورهيد، مؤسس Pantera Capital، أن Pantera قامت مؤخرًا بأكبر استثمار لها في تاريخ مشروع blockchain، مما يشير إلى الاهتمام المتزايد بـ TON وNOT. الأفكار النهائية 👇 يهدف فريق Notcoin إلى الريادة في#GameFi تضيف مساحة Web3 قيمة إلى النظام البيئي، وتجلب مطوري Web3 الرائدين للمستخدمين من خلال الحملات الإستراتيجية 💛
$NOT ve $PEPE Kayıplarıyla Başa Çıkmak: Bir Kılavuz📌 Analizler için Beni TAKİP ET 🚀
NOT veya PEPE ile kayıp yaşadıysanız aşağıdaki tavsiyeleri dikkate alın:
1. Fiyat düşüşü sırasında satış yapmaktan kaçının çünkü bu daha fazla panik satışına ve artan kayıplara yol açabilir. 2. Kripto para birimleri sıklıkla toparlanır ve yeni zirvelere ulaşır, ancak bu zaman alabilir. 3. Düşüş sırasında yatırımınızı elinizde tutmak sizi bir sonraki yükseliş sırasında potansiyel kazançlar için konumlandırabilir. 4. Düşük bir noktada satış yapmanın, kripto para piyasasında kazanç elde etmeyi zorlaştırabileceğini unutmayın.
Kripto para birimine yatırım yapmanın doğası gereği riskler taşıdığını ve kapsamlı araştırma ve risk yönetimi stratejilerinin hayati önem taşıdığını unutmayın.
Les développeurs on crée une Blockchain révolutionnaire qui s'appelle TON , c'est un réseau développé pour récompenser tout les collaborateurs ... il est fascinant et juste ..
🔥🌕Half a million users of Notcoin generously donated $6.8 million worth of Notcoin to Founder of Telegram
He plan to hold onto these coins until they reach $680 million in value🔥
Users of Notcoin donated a significant amount, over 1 billion $NOT (equivalent to $6.8 million), to Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, as a gesture of gratitude for the messenger's development. The donation was made through the in-game interface during the mining phase.
Over 552,586 users contributed a total of 1,030,383,291,362 NOT to Durov's account, showing appreciation for the work of the messenger developers.
J'ai remarqué ça lorsque j'ai parlé avec ChatGPT et Bard "gemini" maintenant ... c'est incroyable , un système qui s'adapte avec ta personnalité , c'est là où il trompe les humains .
Crypto De Nostradame
Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin Is Impressed by GPT 4.
Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, has always been a supporter of new technologies, whether to build a large blockchain network like Ethereum or over time. Not only that, Buterin is not shy about praising his company, along with other companies innovating in the technology sector.
In parallel, the founder of Ethereum shared information about #OpenAI's GPT-4, stating that it successfully passed the Turing Test. The Turing Test is a benchmark for artificial intelligence systems, determining how human-like a speech pattern is. Citing recent preprint research from the University of California, San Diego, Buterin wrote that a production model has finally passed the Turing Test. However, the founder of Ethereum praised OpenAI's GPT-4 and said: This is incredible, this system can fool more than half of the people. This technology speaks like humans and can fool anyone.
A recent study published by the University of California San Diego found that humans were unable to distinguish between GPT-4 and humans in a Turing test. The research involved 500 human test subjects participating in a blind test in which they interacted with both human and AI models. The goal was to determine whether subjects could accurately identify which interactions involved humans and which involved the AI model. According to research findings, in 56% of cases, people mistakenly identified GPT-4 as human. This shows that in most cases, the #AI model successfully convinces people that it is one of them. This highlights the gradual progress of AI technology towards mimicking human intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining traction as people see its potential for the future. This has led to many major technology companies such as Google and Microsoft, as well as individuals such as Elon Musk, getting involved in AI.
$NOT LA RAISON DE L'ATTENTE DES BALEINES ! SUIVEZ-MOI pour analyse🚀 La raison pour laquelle même les baleines attendent d'entrer en ce moment est qu'elles attendent que les #NOT pièces gagnées grâce à l'agriculture soient vendues. Cette pièce, dont la pression de vente est presque terminée, a presque atteint le niveau d'entrée des baleines. Ne laissez pas cette stabilité préalable à la hausse vous forcer à vendre. Même si vous avez acheté à des niveaux élevés, il est recommandé de ne pas vendre à perte. Une pièce avec TÉLÉGRAMME derrière elle ne perdra jamais et n'oubliera jamais qu'il y a un mais. Utilisez votre logique et arrêtez d’agir comme un investisseur débutant, attendez un peu et profitez-en. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de profit.
Pepe est une mentalité avant tout 🐸 et une communauté ...
Raisa Brozyna
$PEPE Lo que antes fue su resistencia, hoy es su soporte. La popularidad y el sentimiento de la sociedad por la PEPE está jugando un papel crucial. Sabemos que las monedas meme tienen volatilidad, pero todas las monedas que hoy tienen gran valor y se han afianzado, tuvieron un pasado con desconfianza y volatilidad en su pasado, bitcoin es el ejemplo. Muchas personas desconfiaron de bitcoin y no lo adquirieron cuando su valor era accesible. Muchos han subestimado a PEPE, esos mismos son los que hoy están comprándolo. A nadie le interesa si es meme, actualmente es tratado con seriedad.
How To Make Your First 50$ For Free 💲 🔖Earning your first $50 in crypto for free can be challenging, but it's possible with some effort and patience. 💸Here are a few methods to consider: 📍Airdrops: Some blockchain projects distribute free tokens (airdrops) to users as a promotional strategy. Keep an eye on social media, crypto forums, and websites that list upcoming airdrops. Participating in these can earn you free tokens. 💰Faucets:Crypto faucets are websites or apps that give away small amounts of cryptocurrency for completing simple tasks, such as solving captchas or playing games. 🧲Referral Programs: Many cryptocurrency exchanges and platforms offer referral programs that reward you for inviting friends to join. Share your referral links with others, and when they sign up and make trades, you'll earn a percentage of their fees. ♨️ Content Creation: If you have knowledge about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, you can create content (e.g., blog posts, videos, podcasts) and monetize it through platforms like Steemit, Publish0x, or by accepting crypto donations. 🔰Freelancing: Offer your skills and services in exchange for cryptocurrencies. There are freelance platforms like Bitwage that allow you to receive your salary in crypto. 🧩Bounties: Some blockchain projects offer bounties for completing specific tasks or finding bugs in their software. Participating in these programs can earn you rewards in cryptocurrency. ♨️Crypto Games: Some blockchain-based games offer the opportunity to earn tokens or NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) by playing. Keep in mind that these can be risky and time-consuming. 💯Remember that the crypto market is highly volatile, and there are risks involved. Be cautious and do your research before participating in any method to earn free crypto. 🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice. #BinanceLaunchpool
Across cultures, frogs and toads have been revered as symbols of wisdom and knowledge. In ancient Egypt, the frog goddess Heket was associated with childbirth and resurrection, and was often depicted with the head of a frog. In Japan, the three-legged frog is a popular symbol of good luck and fortune, while in China, the frog is seen as a symbol of fertility and abundance. In many Native American cultures, frogs are also seen as messengers of wisdom and transformation. #useless #but #appreciated #PEPE the frog
🚨🚨🚀 Nakamoto said that the work of writing Bitcoin's code began in the second quarter of 2007.On 18 August 2008, he or a colleague registered the domain name, and created a web site at that address. On 31 October, Nakamoto published a white paper on the cryptography mailing list at describing a digital cryptocurrency, titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System".
On 9 January 2009, Nakamoto released version 0.1 of the Bitcoin software on SourceForge and launched the network by defining the genesis block of bitcoin (block number 0), which had a reward of 50 bitcoins. Embedded in the coinbase transaction of this block is the text: "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks",citing a headline in the UK newspaper The Times published on that date. This note has been interpreted as both a timestamp and a derisive comment on the alleged instability caused by fractional-reserve banking. #BitcoinHalvingDrama #BitcoinAwareness #BitcoinHistory #BitcoinHalvingMagic #btcnews99
🎯 Unbelievable but true! Witness the staggering journey of one wallet as it skyrocketed from $11 to an astounding $51k in a single day, achieving an incredible 5000x return! 🎯
🔍 But how did they do it? Here's the ultimate guide to sniping high-potential coins and reaping massive rewards:
1️⃣ Spotting the Gem: - Stay tuned to crypto influencers for early signals of promising tokens. - Utilize tools like @dexscreener for real-time listings and potential winners.
2️⃣ Swift Action: - Time is of the essence. Utilize sniper bots to seize opportunities before they slip away.
3️⃣ Tools of the Trade: - Sniper bots and tools streamline the process, enabling lightning-fast reactions to market movements.
4️⃣ Consistency and Luck: - While luck plays a part, consistent sniping and unwavering vigilance pave the path to success.
5️⃣ Flawless Execution: - Precision is paramount. Set the right parameters to ensure swift and efficient transactions.
🚨 P.S. Meme coins are reaching levels reminiscent of the crypto bubble burst—exercise caution, fellow traders! ☠️
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After the Bitcoin halving, experts predict a huge price surge. Some believe Bitcoin could soar to $200,000. This exciting event has sparked a keen interest in the crypto market’s potential. Among the various opportunities, certain tokens stand out with the promise of significant returns. The spotlight is on three tokens that could turn $10 into $1000 in April 2024. These unique investment opportunities are poised for exceptional growth in the wake of the halving’s ripple effects.
BlastUP Presale: The 1st Launchpad in the Blast Ecosystem is Live!
BlastUP is a pioneering launchpad on Blast, the cutting-edge Layer 2 solution that has rapidly reached $1 billion total value locked in just 35 days. BlastUP’s success is also evident, as it has swiftly raised $2.5 million in just a few weeks, capturing the attention of savvy early investors.
BlastUP stands at the forefront of financial technology, championing the motto “Grow faster, earn more.” The primary goal of this launchpad is to reduce entry barriers for blockchain startups, ensuring they are equipped for success right from the beginning.
The fifth stage of BlastUP tokens presale is already running, and with each new stage, the tokens’ price increases. The current price is locked at $0.055, while the price at the DEX listing is going to be $0.1. That makes a whopping 45.% discount, so now is the perfect time to buy BlastUP tokens at the best price.
>> Snatch Up BlastUP Tokens Now for Maximum Returns! <<
BlastUP token holders can enjoy exclusive perks like early access to token sales, special rewards in IDOs, and the opportunity to earn extra tokens through staking. They also get to reap the benefits of earning interest and receiving free tokens from supported projects.
As BlastUP forges ahead, it remains committed to creating a global hub for the Blast community, supporting early-stage startups. With its community-centric approach and drive for innovation, BlastUP is rapidly gaining traction for the benefit of all participants in this ecosystem.
BlastUP’s roadmap extends into 2026, promising the introduction of AI-driven tools and the Community Marketplace, further enriching the ecosystem’s capabilities. The BlastUP token, a cornerstone of the platform, unlocks access to tiered IDO launches, staking rewards, and exclusive loyalty benefits.
>> Seize the Chance to Grow Faster and Earn More with BlastUP! <<
NEAR Protocol’s Growth and Price Momentum
NEAR Protocol has witnessed significant growth, more than doubling in value over the last month and increasing sixfold in the past six months. Considering these impressive gains against its historical high of $20.69, there’s room for further appreciation. Its current price of $7.56 is above both the short-term 10-day average of $6.94 and the longer-term 100-day average of $4.06, indicating sustained buying interest. This momentum may continue driving prices up, and if the trends persist, we could see it challenge its nearest resistance at $4.49 and possibly aim for the $5.11 level. However, investors should be mindful of fluctuations, as movement beyond key resistance levels isn’t guaranteed.
The technical indicators present a mixed outlook. Despite the recent price rally, the MACD suggests selling, which may hint at a possible correction or consolidation in the short term. Investors should be cautious, as NEAR’s price could find support at lower levels, $2.97 or even $2.07, if a pullback occurs. The neutral stance of RSI and Stochastic confirms the uncertainty, advising a wait-and-see approach. In the long run, NEAR’s robust past performance exemplifies its potential, but investors should balance their optimism with awareness of market dynamics prone to change, affecting the potential trajectory of NEAR’s price.
Render’s current price at $11.26 shows a promising uptrend, considering its significant monthly rise of 52.90% and an impressive six-month increase of 657.19%. The closer resistance at $9.12 suggests a bullish sentiment, while the all-time high of $13.75 fuels the expectation of strong potential growth. However, investors should note the mixed signals from the MACD recommending a sell and the moving averages suggesting a buy. This divergence could signal short-term fluctuations.
On the long-term horizon, the robust 100-day moving average at $6.20 combined with historical growth points to a sturdy upward trajectory for Render. The support levels at $5.09 and $2.66 provide a cushion, potentially limiting downside risks. Nevertheless, the RSI’s neutral stance implies that Render may experience a period of stabilization before any further significant price movements. It’s essential to weigh these dynamics when predicting future performance.
In conclusion, while other highlighted tokens—like NEAR Protocol and Render—show promising traits, they navigate a landscape of mixed signals and volatile markets, with each having its own unique potential yet subtly trailing behind in the race to exceptional returns. BlastUP, however, not only capitalizes on its placement within the thriving Blast ecosystem but also by virtue of its innovative concept, which is poised to redefine growth strategies for blockchain startups. With its commitment to community, progressive roadmap, and enticing presale discounts, BlastUP is optimally positioned to maximize investor returns. As April 2024 approaches, BlastUP’s potential to turn a modest sum into a substantial windfall appears to eclipse that of its peers, marking it as a standout in the token landscape.
The post 3 Tokens To Turn $10 Into $1000 in April 2024 appeared first on Crypto News Land.
This post will be relatively technical, but it will teach you a lot and greatly help you understand the market. Read it carefully and reread it if everything is not clear in your mind.
Many of you probably use "Limit" orders to buy or sell your cryptos. For those who don't know, "Limit" orders are orders that allow you to buy or sell automatically at a certain price. For example, if you want to sell 1 BTC at $68,500, you place a Limit sell order at $68,500, and it will automatically sell your BTC when it reaches that price.
But what you need to understand is that you should never place Limit orders at round numbers like $70,000, $75,000, or even $75,500. When you do this, you are doing what a lot of people do, which is placing your orders at key psychological levels, and therefore at these levels there are a lot of people selling. This means that your order is drowned among thousands of other orders, and therefore it takes a lot more money to fill your order.
For example: imagine there are 1,000 BTC for sale at $70,000. This means that 1,000 BTC need to be bought from these people to fill all the orders. However, 1,000 BTC, for many people: there is very little chance that there will be 1,000 BTC available for purchase at this level. Now imagine that you place your order at $69,999: this doesn't change anything for you, however, you will not be drowned among all the other orders, and therefore you have a much better chance of your order being filled.
Obviously, this works for all cryptos and any round number.
Feel free to ask your questions in the comments if it's not clear enough.
This post represents my personal views.
Thank you for reading.
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Don’t try to convince your friends and family to buy #bitcoin
I know, you are maybe hearing this a lot nowadays, but I still want to emphasize this.
You can mention it once, but that should be it. Otherwise you can only lose:
- if they haven’t done any research on their own already, they’ll almost always think you are an idiot. If they have, there’s no need to convince them anyway.
If you actually manage to convince someone you also lose: - price drops 20%, they’ll sell and will be angry at you
- price goes up, they’ll ask you why you haven’t told them earlier. Then price dips again, they’ll be angry, think you convinced them of some BS after all, and sell again.
Everybody needs to go this road on their own. It takes a lot of research and is a learning experience, to become a HODLer. Most people can’t handle the volatility. Don’t try to drag them with you.
🚪 Closing your app could save your portfolio! 📉 Take a lesson from my past mistake: during a similar market drop, I panicked and sold everything, only to see my portfolio plummet even further. 😔 Don't fall prey to fear-driven decisions – understand market manipulators' tactics and stay calm. 💡
Instead of reacting impulsively, take a break to recharge and refocus. Step away from the chaos, do some reading, research, or simply relax. Remember, "You don't really lose until you sell." 🧠💰 Let's navigate this volatile market together with patience and wisdom. #HotTrends #BTC $BTC $PEPE $SHIB 📉🛑
It had taken me three years slowly acquiring a small bag of $XRP . I believed it was going to change our lives. A couple of weeks ago I was hospitalized because of my mental health. While I was as in the hospital my wife and her parents decided to clean our house including our bedroom. I had moved all my XRP to a D’CENT wallet and kept it by my bed in a small dresser. I have to admit it was a mess. It had a lot of stuff in it. My wife did not know about the wallet. Well it got thrown out. I am absolutely devastated. I cried myself to sleep last night. I was already struggling with depression and now this happened. I had so many plans for what I was going to do with that money. Now it’s just GONE. I don’t know if I can take this awful existence any more.
Not my story, I can understand this guy i my self lost 3times private key of my cold wallet. I'm still not sure how to secure this keys and keep remember it.