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Hello! My name is Felipe, and I have been a cryptocurrency enthusiast since 2013 when I first discovered Bitcoin. My focus is to spread knowledge about cryptos.
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NULS! THE FUTURE IS MODULAR.It is notorious that the Modular Construction movement has been gaining more and more space within the fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urbanism and even the internet. In recent years several companies have started to see this method as a much faster, efficient and economical solution to various everyday problems. As a result the democratization of this technique has been gaining ground, especially within the construction sites of large companies. However, this is by no means the only application of modular construction. Today for example, it is possible to find buildings, train stations, hospitals and even websites and applications made using this technique. The success of modular construction can be attributed to several reasons, with speed, cost-effectiveness, versatility and sustainability being the most prominent. With so many positive aspects it's no wonder that this technology has gained significant traction and rapidly expanded into various market sectors, now also present in the blockchain industry through #NULS . NULS was the first cryptocurrency to pioneer the integration of this concept into its technology, providing the industry with access to these facilities. Although cryptocurrencies have gained considerable attention in recent years, becoming increasingly part of people's daily lives and investments, discussions about blockchain and cryptocurrencies often bring to mind thoughts about the troubles, difficulties and complications that blockchain can bring. Indeed numerous challenges still need to be addressed such as high network fees, scalability, low performance, difficulties in implementing changes and improvements, a shortage of developers, and most notably the high cost of development caused by expensive and scarce labor. All of these factors directly impact the budget sometimes making it impractical for greater adoption of this technology. In the blockchain industry, one of the significant challenges is proposing alternatives to solve the issue of high developers costs which manifests in budgetary expenses. This has been a widely discussed issue among various projects, developers and investors seeking to eliminate or at least minimize these costs. It is precisely this need that gave rise to NULS and its modular architecture. Through this new blockchain concept introduced by Nuls, everything has become more modern, flexible, fast, dynamic and easy to use. In other words, it's as if there was an old, rusty and difficult-to-move car that underwent an upgrade process, replacing damaged parts with new ones like wheels, paint and the engine. Now, this same car that could barely move is completely renewed and still open to future modifications and improvements. After making this analogy, it should be easy to understand and explain that this is exactly how NULS worksā€”not literally like a car but as a tuned and customizable blockchain. Various parts can be modified to enhance performance or usability. The freedom that users gain with NULS surpasses existing projects in the market, where limitations combined with a complex and inaccessible architecture hinder any kind of change. Even though this project has a new and impressive technology, it could inevitably become obsolete in the future, as technology is in constant evolution. Just like you at home reading this post on your latest-generation cellphone, you will likely have to replace it in a few years, either because it becomes obsolete or no longer meets all the requirements of current applications. In this sense, the great advantage of #NULS lies precisely in its modular character, meaning that even if a new technology is created in the near future to solve current problems, it can easily be integrated into NULS through plug-and-play modules. These modules can be removed and replaced according to user needs. In NULS each module operates independently, so removing or replacing one module does not affect the functioning of others, ensuring total compatibility between multilingual modules. Although blockchain may seem to some as something full of complex codes and commands restricted only to programmers with years of practice, using #NULS technologies makes everything much simpler and easier. The ease behind this simplicity is due to its architecture, where complex issues such as cryptography, consensus mechanisms and storage methods have already been integrated into NULS modules. This allows less experienced developers or users with no programming experience to create commercial applications or develop their own blockchain independently. The technological revolution stemming from the modular architecture of NULS is the answer to the ongoing search for ways to use a modern, secure, agile, ecological blockchain that reduces costs and brings more economy. In summary, modular architecture has become an essential component in redesigning the future of the blockchain industry, whether it's for greater agility, reduced energy consumption, lower labor costs or enabling more functional and versatile solutions. #NULS has already fulfilled this role, proving to be more efficient, productive, and innovative than old and outdated conventional blockchains with their recurring problems. $BTC $NULS $ETH


It is notorious that the Modular Construction movement has been gaining more and more space within the fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urbanism and even the internet. In recent years several companies have started to see this method as a much faster, efficient and economical solution to various everyday problems. As a result the democratization of this technique has been gaining ground, especially within the construction sites of large companies. However, this is by no means the only application of modular construction.
Today for example, it is possible to find buildings, train stations, hospitals and even websites and applications made using this technique. The success of modular construction can be attributed to several reasons, with speed, cost-effectiveness, versatility and sustainability being the most prominent. With so many positive aspects it's no wonder that this technology has gained significant traction and rapidly expanded into various market sectors, now also present in the blockchain industry through #NULS . NULS was the first cryptocurrency to pioneer the integration of this concept into its technology, providing the industry with access to these facilities.
Although cryptocurrencies have gained considerable attention in recent years, becoming increasingly part of people's daily lives and investments, discussions about blockchain and cryptocurrencies often bring to mind thoughts about the troubles, difficulties and complications that blockchain can bring. Indeed numerous challenges still need to be addressed such as high network fees, scalability, low performance, difficulties in implementing changes and improvements, a shortage of developers, and most notably the high cost of development caused by expensive and scarce labor. All of these factors directly impact the budget sometimes making it impractical for greater adoption of this technology.
In the blockchain industry, one of the significant challenges is proposing alternatives to solve the issue of high developers costs which manifests in budgetary expenses. This has been a widely discussed issue among various projects, developers and investors seeking to eliminate or at least minimize these costs. It is precisely this need that gave rise to NULS and its modular architecture. Through this new blockchain concept introduced by Nuls, everything has become more modern, flexible, fast, dynamic and easy to use. In other words, it's as if there was an old, rusty and difficult-to-move car that underwent an upgrade process, replacing damaged parts with new ones like wheels, paint and the engine. Now, this same car that could barely move is completely renewed and still open to future modifications and improvements.
After making this analogy, it should be easy to understand and explain that this is exactly how NULS worksā€”not literally like a car but as a tuned and customizable blockchain. Various parts can be modified to enhance performance or usability. The freedom that users gain with NULS surpasses existing projects in the market, where limitations combined with a complex and inaccessible architecture hinder any kind of change. Even though this project has a new and impressive technology, it could inevitably become obsolete in the future, as technology is in constant evolution. Just like you at home reading this post on your latest-generation cellphone, you will likely have to replace it in a few years, either because it becomes obsolete or no longer meets all the requirements of current applications.
In this sense, the great advantage of #NULS lies precisely in its modular character, meaning that even if a new technology is created in the near future to solve current problems, it can easily be integrated into NULS through plug-and-play modules. These modules can be removed and replaced according to user needs. In NULS each module operates independently, so removing or replacing one module does not affect the functioning of others, ensuring total compatibility between multilingual modules.
Although blockchain may seem to some as something full of complex codes and commands restricted only to programmers with years of practice, using #NULS technologies makes everything much simpler and easier. The ease behind this simplicity is due to its architecture, where complex issues such as cryptography, consensus mechanisms and storage methods have already been integrated into NULS modules. This allows less experienced developers or users with no programming experience to create commercial applications or develop their own blockchain independently.
The technological revolution stemming from the modular architecture of NULS is the answer to the ongoing search for ways to use a modern, secure, agile, ecological blockchain that reduces costs and brings more economy. In summary, modular architecture has become an essential component in redesigning the future of the blockchain industry, whether it's for greater agility, reduced energy consumption, lower labor costs or enabling more functional and versatile solutions. #NULS has already fulfilled this role, proving to be more efficient, productive, and innovative than old and outdated conventional blockchains with their recurring problems.

NULS! A UNDERESTIMATED PROJECT OFF THE RADAR. ECOSYSTEM OVERVIEW.Did you know that NULS is one of the pioneers in integrating the cross-chain system, and it's the only one in the market to have a modular structure in its technology? Check out the video below on my YouTube channel for an overview of the video:


Did you know that NULS is one of the pioneers in integrating the cross-chain system, and it's the only one in the market to have a modular structure in its technology? Check out the video below on my YouTube channel for an overview of the video:
EL NUEVO NULS ESTA LLEGANDO šŸš€ Solo en este aƱo 2024 la criptomoneda #NULS mĆ”s que duplicĆ³ su precio Ya se ha anunciado una nueva hoja de ruta resumiendo todo lo que se harĆ” en 2024 Han ocurrido varias actualizaciones tanto en NULS como en los proyectos asociados como #NaboxWallet #NerveNetwork y #nulswap TambiĆ©n se anunciĆ³ el desarrollo de un launchpad en asociaciĆ³n con #SuisseBlockchain Este launchpad se realizarĆ” conforme a las leyes de Suiza lo que puede aportar mĆ”s confianza y buenos proyectos para ser lanzados Para complementar todo esto recientemente en mayo se anunciĆ³ que NULS pasarĆ” por un rebranding Esta actualizaciĆ³n actualizarĆ” el disign/ el desarrollo de nuevos productos/ la experiencia del usuario y mucho mĆ”s Hasta el momento no sabemos la fecha exacta de cuĆ”ndo se lanzarĆ” todo esto Pero viendo todo lo que estĆ” sucediendo creo que no pasarĆ” mucho tiempo Bueno, no olvides dejar tu like y seguirme para no perderte las prĆ³ximas actualizaciones SuscrĆ­bete tambiĆ©n al canal oficial de YouTube de NUL llamado (NULS blockchain) $NULS $BTC $ETH

Solo en este aƱo 2024 la criptomoneda #NULS mĆ”s que duplicĆ³ su precio
Ya se ha anunciado una nueva hoja de ruta resumiendo todo lo que se harĆ” en 2024 Han ocurrido varias actualizaciones tanto en NULS como en los proyectos asociados como #NaboxWallet #NerveNetwork y #nulswap

TambiĆ©n se anunciĆ³ el desarrollo de un launchpad en asociaciĆ³n con #SuisseBlockchain Este launchpad se realizarĆ” conforme a las leyes de Suiza lo que puede aportar mĆ”s confianza y buenos proyectos para ser lanzados

Para complementar todo esto recientemente en mayo se anunciĆ³ que NULS pasarĆ” por un rebranding Esta actualizaciĆ³n actualizarĆ” el disign/ el desarrollo de nuevos productos/ la experiencia del usuario y mucho mĆ”s

Hasta el momento no sabemos la fecha exacta de cuƔndo se lanzarƔ todo esto Pero viendo todo lo que estƔ sucediendo creo que no pasarƔ mucho tiempo

Bueno, no olvides dejar tu like y seguirme para no perderte las prĆ³ximas actualizaciones

Suscrƭbete tambiƩn al canal oficial de YouTube de NUL llamado (NULS blockchain)

THE NEW NULS IS COMINGšŸš€ Only in this year of 2024 the crypto #Nuls has more than doubled in price A new roadmap summarizing everything that will be done in 2024 has already been announced and several updates have occurred both in Nuls and in partner projects such as #Nabox Wallet #Nerve Network and #Nulswap there was also the announcement of the development of a launchpad in partnership with #SuisseBlockchain This launchpad will be in compliance with Swiss laws which could bring more confidence and good projects to be launched To complement all this recently in May there was the announcement that Nuls will undergo a rebranding This upgrade will update the design develop new products enhance user experience and much more So far we don't know the exact date of when all this will be launched But looking at everything that is happening I believe it won't be long Well don't forget to leave a like and follow me to not miss the next updates also subscribe to the official nuls youtube channel called (NULS blockchain) $BTC $ETH $NULS

Only in this year of 2024 the crypto #Nuls has more than doubled in price
A new roadmap summarizing everything that will be done in 2024 has already been announced and several updates have occurred both in Nuls and in partner projects such as #Nabox Wallet #Nerve Network and #Nulswap

there was also the announcement of the development of a launchpad in partnership with #SuisseBlockchain This launchpad will be in compliance with Swiss laws which could bring more confidence and good projects to be launched

To complement all this recently in May there was the announcement that Nuls will undergo a rebranding
This upgrade will update the design develop new products enhance user experience and much more

So far we don't know the exact date of when all this will be launched But looking at everything that is happening I believe it won't be long
Well don't forget to leave a like and follow me to not miss the next updates

also subscribe to the official nuls youtube channel called (NULS blockchain)

HERRAMIENTA DE PRƉSTAMO EN LA RED #NULS Nulswap prometiĆ³ la herramienta de #prĆ©stamos y finalmente llegĆ³. dentro de la red nuls es pionera en el tema. Ahora podemos prestar y pedir prestadas monedas en su plataforma. Herramientas como esta permiten que los usuarios ganen intereses prestando sus criptomonedas, o incluso apalancando su capital al pedir prestado. Sin embargo, es importante recordar tener precauciĆ³n y una buena estrategia. En el sitio web ya es posible prestar #nuls o pedir prestado solo nuls, pero creo que pronto tendremos mĆ”s opciones. DespuĆ©s de todo, esta plataforma se lanzĆ³ hace poco tiempo. Aunque muchas personas aĆŗn no estĆ©n familiarizadas con este tipo de herramienta es innegable que puede generar muchas oportunidades. ĀæTe ha gustado la actualizaciĆ³n? Entonces deja un like y sĆ­gueme para mĆ”s contenido. SIGA EL CANAL OFICIAL DE YOUTUBE DE NULS (NULS BLOCKCHAIN) PARA SABER MƁS. $NULS $BTC $ETH

Nulswap prometiĆ³ la herramienta de #prĆ©stamos y finalmente llegĆ³. dentro de la red nuls es pionera en el tema. Ahora podemos prestar y pedir prestadas monedas en su plataforma. Herramientas como esta permiten que los usuarios ganen intereses prestando sus criptomonedas, o incluso apalancando su capital al pedir prestado. Sin embargo, es importante recordar tener precauciĆ³n y una buena estrategia. En el sitio web ya es posible prestar #nuls o pedir prestado solo nuls, pero creo que pronto tendremos mĆ”s opciones. DespuĆ©s de todo, esta plataforma se lanzĆ³ hace poco tiempo. Aunque muchas personas aĆŗn no estĆ©n familiarizadas con este tipo de herramienta es innegable que puede generar muchas oportunidades. ĀæTe ha gustado la actualizaciĆ³n? Entonces deja un like y sĆ­gueme para mĆ”s contenido.


LENDING TOOL ON THE #NULS NETWORK Nulswap promised the #lending tool and it has finally arrived. Within the Nuls network it's pioneering this issue. Now we can lend and borrow coins on its platform. Tools like this allow users to earn interest by lending their cryptocurrencies or even leverage their capital by borrowing. But remember, it's necessary to be cautious and have a good strategy. Through the website, you can already lend NULS and AINULS and borrow the #NULS crypto. However, I believe we'll have more options soon. After all, this platform was launched not long ago. Although many people are still not accustomed to this type of tool it's undeniable that this can generate many opportunities. So, did you like this update? Then leave a like and follow me for more. FOLLOW THE OFFICIAL NULS YOUTUBE CHANNEL (NULS BLOCKCHAIN) TO FIND OUT MORE $NULS $BTC $ETH

Nulswap promised the #lending tool and it has finally arrived. Within the Nuls network it's pioneering this issue. Now we can lend and borrow coins on its platform. Tools like this allow users to earn interest by lending their cryptocurrencies or even leverage their capital by borrowing. But remember, it's necessary to be cautious and have a good strategy. Through the website, you can already lend NULS and AINULS and borrow the #NULS crypto. However, I believe we'll have more options soon. After all, this platform was launched not long ago. Although many people are still not accustomed to this type of tool it's undeniable that this can generate many opportunities. So, did you like this update? Then leave a like and follow me for more.


NULS! Pionero en Blockchain Modular ! La narrativa de Blockchain Modular ha ganado atenciĆ³n significativa en los Ćŗltimos tiempos. Proyectos como #Celestia , #cosmos , #Polkadot y muchos otros, han estado montando esta ola de hype. ĀæPero sabĆ­as que hay un proyecto que tiene esta misma propuesta durante mucho mĆ”s tiempo? #Nuls es un proyecto que comenzĆ³ en 2017 y es pionero en el mercado de blockchain modular. AdemĆ”s, tambiĆ©n pone su tecnologĆ­a a disposiciĆ³n de otros proyectos y empresas para desarrollar sus propias blockchains modulares. Un sistema modular trae numerosos beneficios. Pero la idea es permitir un desarrollo mĆ”s rĆ”pido, mĆ”s barato e incluso facilitar actualizaciones. En el caso de la tecnologĆ­a de nuls, se puede aplicar tanto para desarrollar otras redes blockchain, como para desarrollar aplicaciones descentralizadas conocidas como dapps. Desde 2017, #nuls evolucionĆ³ significativamente su blockchain modular y creciĆ³ exponencialmente en soluciones crosschain y capa 2 para bitcoin. En 2023 trajo muchas innovaciones, pero 2024 promete aĆŗn mĆ”s. vea el video completo en el canal oficial de YouTube de Nuls llamado (Nuls Blockchain) $NULS $BTC $ETH
NULS! Pionero en Blockchain Modular !

La narrativa de Blockchain Modular ha ganado atenciĆ³n significativa en los Ćŗltimos tiempos. Proyectos como #Celestia , #cosmos , #Polkadot y muchos otros, han estado montando esta ola de hype. ĀæPero sabĆ­as que hay un proyecto que tiene esta misma propuesta durante mucho mĆ”s tiempo? #Nuls es un proyecto que comenzĆ³ en 2017 y es pionero en el mercado de blockchain modular. AdemĆ”s, tambiĆ©n pone su tecnologĆ­a a disposiciĆ³n de otros proyectos y empresas para desarrollar sus propias blockchains modulares. Un sistema modular trae numerosos beneficios. Pero la idea es permitir un desarrollo mĆ”s rĆ”pido, mĆ”s barato e incluso facilitar actualizaciones. En el caso de la tecnologĆ­a de nuls, se puede aplicar tanto para desarrollar otras redes blockchain, como para desarrollar aplicaciones descentralizadas conocidas como dapps. Desde 2017, #nuls evolucionĆ³ significativamente su blockchain modular y creciĆ³ exponencialmente en soluciones crosschain y capa 2 para bitcoin. En 2023 trajo muchas innovaciones, pero 2024 promete aĆŗn mĆ”s.

vea el video completo en el canal oficial de YouTube de Nuls llamado (Nuls Blockchain)

#NULS OVERVIEW ! #BITCOIN / #ETHEREUM / BIG PUMP PRICE Did you miss the latest updates from Nuls? Don't worry! Because on Nuls' official youtube channel, we've compiled everything that has happened within this ecosystem in the past 2 months. There have been integrations with Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as mainnet updates and several solidified partnerships. So be sure to check out the video and stay up to date with everything happening with the world's first modular project, the pioneering #nuls . $NULS $BTC

Did you miss the latest updates from Nuls? Don't worry! Because on Nuls' official youtube channel, we've compiled everything that has happened within this ecosystem in the past 2 months. There have been integrations with Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as mainnet updates and several solidified partnerships. So be sure to check out the video and stay up to date with everything happening with the world's first modular project, the pioneering #nuls .

NULS! Pioneer in Modular Blockchain The narrative of Modular Blockchain has gained significant prominence in recent times. Projects like #celestia , Cosmos, #Polkadot and many others have been riding this hype wave. But did you know that there's a project that has had this same proposition for much longer? #nuls is a project that started in 2017 and is a pioneer in the modular blockchain market. Furthermore, it also makes its technology available for other projects and companies to develop their own modular blockchains. A modular system brings numerous benefits but the idea is to enable faster, cheaper development and even facilitate updates. In the case of nuls technology it can be applied both to develop other blockchain networks and to develop decentralized applications known as dapps. Since 2017, nuls has significantly evolved its modular #blockchain and has grown exponentially in terms of cross-chain and layer 2 solutions. In 2023, it brought many innovations but 2024 holds even more promise. $NULS $BTC $ETH Watch the full video on Nuls' official YouTube channel called 'Nuls Blockchain
NULS! Pioneer in Modular Blockchain

The narrative of Modular Blockchain has gained significant prominence in recent times. Projects like #celestia , Cosmos, #Polkadot and many others have been riding this hype wave. But did you know that there's a project that has had this same proposition for much longer? #nuls is a project that started in 2017 and is a pioneer in the modular blockchain market. Furthermore, it also makes its technology available for other projects and companies to develop their own modular blockchains. A modular system brings numerous benefits but the idea is to enable faster, cheaper development and even facilitate updates. In the case of nuls technology it can be applied both to develop other blockchain networks and to develop decentralized applications known as dapps. Since 2017, nuls has significantly evolved its modular #blockchain and has grown exponentially in terms of cross-chain and layer 2 solutions. In 2023, it brought many innovations but 2024 holds even more promise.


Watch the full video on Nuls' official YouTube channel called 'Nuls Blockchain
Why is Nerve Network the best choice? Nerve Network( belonging to the #nuls ecosystem) is not just a bridge between blockchain networks, but rather a blockchain focused on bringing crosschain solutions, providing much more financial freedom for projects and users. Currently, Nerve Network supports over 40 different blockchain networks. such as #bitcoin , #ethereum , #BNB Chain, #Polygon and many more. Its tools are extensive including a bridge responsible for connecting different networks, a swap tool allowing the exchange of a crypto for another, the mint tool for launching new tokens, enabling users to mint these tokens, and also liquidity farming. allowing users to provide liquidity while earning incentives in other coins. Within the Nerve Network's DEX, listing new tokens is entirely free for those who wish to do so. Currently, other projects have already adopted Nerve Network's solutions. such as Nabox with its swapbox, paybox and parabox tools, Nuls ecosystem, Nulswap, and many others. The crypto market is increasingly moving towards a multichain world, so having a project like Nerve in the market is a very positive point. Watch the full video on Nuls' official YouTube ( NULSBlockchain) $NULS $BTC $ETH
Why is Nerve Network the best choice?

Nerve Network( belonging to the #nuls ecosystem) is not just a bridge between blockchain networks, but rather a blockchain focused on bringing crosschain solutions, providing much more financial freedom for projects and users. Currently, Nerve Network supports over 40 different blockchain networks. such as #bitcoin , #ethereum , #BNB Chain, #Polygon and many more. Its tools are extensive including a bridge responsible for connecting different networks, a swap tool allowing the exchange of a crypto for another, the mint tool for launching new tokens, enabling users to mint these tokens, and also liquidity farming. allowing users to provide liquidity while earning incentives in other coins. Within the Nerve Network's DEX, listing new tokens is entirely free for those who wish to do so. Currently, other projects have already adopted Nerve Network's solutions. such as Nabox with its swapbox, paybox and parabox tools, Nuls ecosystem, Nulswap, and many others. The crypto market is increasingly moving towards a multichain world, so having a project like Nerve in the market is a very positive point.

Watch the full video on Nuls' official YouTube ( NULSBlockchain)

FREE PRIZES IN THE NULS ECOSYSTEM The nabox wallet, belonging to the #nuls ecosystem, is distributing a free prize in partnership with the #Binance Smart Chain. Check out the video on the official #NULS channel on YouTube (NULS blockchain) and learn how to participate. $NULS $BTC $ETH

The nabox wallet, belonging to the #nuls ecosystem, is distributing a free prize in partnership with the #Binance Smart Chain. Check out the video on the official #NULS channel on YouTube (NULS blockchain) and learn how to participate.

Nuls! La mejor soluciĆ³n de capa 2 para Bitcoin La idea de tener una segunda capa para la red de Bitcoin, ha estado ganando mucha atenciĆ³n en los Ćŗltimos meses. Sin embargo, #Nuls ya estĆ” trabajando en eso. AdemĆ”s de integrar Bitcoin en sus soluciones multi-chain como Nabox Wallet y Neve Network, tambiĆ©n estĆ” desarrollando el mĆ³dulo llamado #Bitcoin Layer 2 para su herramienta Chainbox. Esta es una soluciĆ³n modular que facilita el desarrollo de nuevas blockchains haciendo todo mĆ”s econĆ³mico, mucho mĆ”s rĆ”pido y fĆ”cil. Muy pronto, proyectos y empresas que necesiten crear blockchains podrĆ”n utilizar este mĆ³dulo precisamente para crear su propia segunda capa de Bitcoin. Actualmente, en @NULS Chainbox, ya existen mĆ³dulos de consenso, contratos inteligentes e incluso de intercambio entre cadenas. Todo esto para facilitar la creaciĆ³n de nuevas blockchains. ĀæQuĆ© te parece esta informaciĆ³n? siga el canal Nuls Blockchain en youtube para mĆ”s contenido. $NULS $BTC $ETH
Nuls! La mejor soluciĆ³n de capa 2 para Bitcoin

La idea de tener una segunda capa para la red de Bitcoin, ha estado ganando mucha atenciĆ³n en los Ćŗltimos meses. Sin embargo, #Nuls ya estĆ” trabajando en eso. AdemĆ”s de integrar Bitcoin en sus soluciones multi-chain como Nabox Wallet y Neve Network, tambiĆ©n estĆ” desarrollando el mĆ³dulo llamado #Bitcoin Layer 2 para su herramienta Chainbox. Esta es una soluciĆ³n modular que facilita el desarrollo de nuevas blockchains haciendo todo mĆ”s econĆ³mico, mucho mĆ”s rĆ”pido y fĆ”cil. Muy pronto, proyectos y empresas que necesiten crear blockchains podrĆ”n utilizar este mĆ³dulo precisamente para crear su propia segunda capa de Bitcoin. Actualmente, en @NULS Chainbox, ya existen mĆ³dulos de consenso, contratos inteligentes e incluso de intercambio entre cadenas. Todo esto para facilitar la creaciĆ³n de nuevas blockchains. ĀæQuĆ© te parece esta informaciĆ³n? siga el canal Nuls Blockchain en youtube para mĆ”s contenido.
#NULS BEST LAYER 2 SOLUTION FOR BITCOIN The idea of ā€‹ā€‹having a second layer for the Bitcoin network has been gaining a lot of attention in recent months. However, @NULS has already been working heavily on this. Besides integrating #Bitcoin into its multi-chain solutions like #Nabox Wallet and Neve Network, it is also developing a module called Bitcoin Layer 2 for its Chainbox tool. This is a modular solution that facilitates the development of new blockchains, making everything cheaper, much faster, and easier. Very soon, projects and companies needing to create blockchains will be able to use this module precisely to create their own second layer of Bitcoin. Currently, in #Nuls Chainbox, there are modules for consensus, smart contracts, and even cross-chain functionality, all aimed at making the creation of new blockchains easier. So, did you like this information? Then leave a like below and follow Nuls' official YouTube channel called "Nuls Blockchain". $NULS $BTC $ETH

The idea of ā€‹ā€‹having a second layer for the Bitcoin network has been gaining a lot of attention in recent months. However, @NULS has already been working heavily on this. Besides integrating #Bitcoin into its multi-chain solutions like #Nabox Wallet and Neve Network, it is also developing a module called Bitcoin Layer 2 for its Chainbox tool. This is a modular solution that facilitates the development of new blockchains, making everything cheaper, much faster, and easier. Very soon, projects and companies needing to create blockchains will be able to use this module precisely to create their own second layer of Bitcoin. Currently, in #Nuls Chainbox, there are modules for consensus, smart contracts, and even cross-chain functionality, all aimed at making the creation of new blockchains easier. So, did you like this information? Then leave a like below and follow Nuls' official YouTube channel called "Nuls Blockchain".

NULS! A Blockchain With Modular Technology Since 2018. The narrative of Modular blockchain has gained a lot of prominence lately, projects like Celestia, Cosmos, Polkadot, and many others have been riding this hype. But what if I told you there's already a project that has had this same proposal for much longer? #NULS is a project that started in 2017 and uses a modular system in its blockchain. Additionally, it also makes its technology available for other projects and companies to develop their own modular blockchains. A modular system has numerous benefits, but the idea is to have faster and cheaper development, and even facilitate updates. In the case of #NULS technology, it can be applied both in the development of other blockchain networks and in the development of decentralized applications known as dapps. This includes DeFi, GameFi, and many others. A blockchain with modular technology can encompass all cryptographic functions known as consensus, node standards, smart contracts, cross-chain, and much more. Additionally, when it's necessary to make an update, it's simply a matter of updating a specific module without interfering with the others. In other words, it's as if all these functions were within separate boxes, but they can all be interconnected or detached. Access the (NULS Blockchain) channel on YouTube and learn more. $NULS $BTC $ETH
NULS! A Blockchain With Modular Technology Since 2018.

The narrative of Modular blockchain has gained a lot of prominence lately, projects like Celestia, Cosmos, Polkadot, and many others have been riding this hype. But what if I told you there's already a project that has had this same proposal for much longer? #NULS is a project that started in 2017 and uses a modular system in its blockchain. Additionally, it also makes its technology available for other projects and companies to develop their own modular blockchains. A modular system has numerous benefits, but the idea is to have faster and cheaper development, and even facilitate updates. In the case of #NULS technology, it can be applied both in the development of other blockchain networks and in the development of decentralized applications known as dapps. This includes DeFi, GameFi, and many others.

A blockchain with modular technology can encompass all cryptographic functions known as consensus, node standards, smart contracts, cross-chain, and much more. Additionally, when it's necessary to make an update, it's simply a matter of updating a specific module without interfering with the others. In other words, it's as if all these functions were within separate boxes, but they can all be interconnected or detached.

Access the (NULS Blockchain) channel on YouTube and learn more.

BITCOIN BRIDGE? šŸ¤”šŸ¤·šŸ’Ŗ Bridges between blockchain networks have become increasingly important in the market. But the recent announcement by Nerve Network (which is part of the #Nuls ecosystem)surprised everyone. They are creating a product that connects #Bitcoin to EVM protocols like #Ethereum, #BNB Chain, Polygon, and many others. The idea of a bridge is to allow users to move balances from one blockchain network to another. However, this is not common in Bitcoin let alone using a decentralized solution. I confess I am very excited to test and study this a bit more closely once it is launched. After all, it's a great idea. If you don't want to miss the next updates, don't forget to follow the official nuls blockchain channel on youtube. channel name: @NULSBlockchain $NULS $BTC $ETH

Bridges between blockchain networks have become increasingly important in the market. But the recent announcement by Nerve Network (which is part of the #Nuls ecosystem)surprised everyone. They are creating a product that connects #Bitcoin to EVM protocols like #Ethereum, #BNB Chain, Polygon, and many others. The idea of a bridge is to allow users to move balances from one blockchain network to another. However, this is not common in Bitcoin let alone using a decentralized solution. I confess I am very excited to test and study this a bit more closely once it is launched. After all, it's a great idea. If you don't want to miss the next updates, don't forget to follow the official nuls blockchain channel on youtube.

channel name: @NULSBlockchain

NABOX WALLET! MUCH MORE THAN JUST A SIMPLE WALLET Wallet application called Metamask, perhaps it is currently the most well-known. However, in the market there are many others and some with quite interesting features. Nabox Wallet for example, emerged as a #Nuls wallet and is currently one of the most comprehensive. It has a version for the browser, a mobile version and dozens of different blockchains that come pre-configured requiring only activation. Besides that, it also brings some tools such as Nabox ID, which is a multi-chain web 3 digital identity, Parabox, to facilitate configurations for airdrops and giveaways for the community, Paybox, which is recent and provides a cryptocurrency payment solution and the best Swapbox, which is a decentralized exchange aggregator. However, it goes beyond by bringing bridges between blockchain networks. This allows decentralized exchanges, such as swapping Nuls on the Nuls blockchain for BNB on the BNB Smart Chain network in a decentralized manner. Additionally, it has a compatibility mode to access everything just like Metamask. did you like it? Then give this post a like and follow the official @NULSblockchain channel on YouTube to learn more. $NULS $BTC $ETH

Wallet application called Metamask, perhaps it is currently the most well-known. However, in the market there are many others and some with quite interesting features. Nabox Wallet for example, emerged as a #Nuls wallet and is currently one of the most comprehensive. It has a version for the browser, a mobile version and dozens of different blockchains that come pre-configured requiring only activation. Besides that, it also brings some tools such as Nabox ID, which is a multi-chain web 3 digital identity, Parabox, to facilitate configurations for airdrops and giveaways for the community, Paybox, which is recent and provides a cryptocurrency payment solution and the best Swapbox, which is a decentralized exchange aggregator. However, it goes beyond by bringing bridges between blockchain networks. This allows decentralized exchanges, such as swapping Nuls on the Nuls blockchain for BNB on the BNB Smart Chain network in a decentralized manner. Additionally, it has a compatibility mode to access everything just like Metamask. did you like it? Then give this post a like and follow the official @NULSblockchain channel on YouTube to learn more.





#bitcoin #howtoinvestincrypto #Cryptocurrrency #defi #nuls
PASSIVE INCOME, HOW TO LIQUIDITY FARM ON THE NERVE NETWORK! Hello, today I want to introduce you to the #Nerve Network, a place where you can engage in liquidity farming. #Nerve is a platform that provides cross-chain solutions, meaning solutions between different blockchain networks. Its main tool is called a bridge, which precisely connects various networks. So, you can transfer balance from one network to another. However, to bring even more security to this type of solution and make these solutions more robust, Nerve has a layer 2 called Nerve Network. Within it, you can find the swap function and also the option for liquidity farming. The interesting point is that some of these pools have the option to stake with incentives that can increase your yield. To use all of this, you basically need one thing: to have a wallet, which can be the Nabox wallet from the #Nuls ecosystem or even Metamask. So, if you're into DeFi and good pools with excellent returns to generate passive income, check out the full video on Nerve's stake farm on the official #Nuls blockchain channel on YouTube. $NULS $BTC $ETH

Hello, today I want to introduce you to the #Nerve Network, a place where you can engage in liquidity farming. #Nerve is a platform that provides cross-chain solutions, meaning solutions between different blockchain networks. Its main tool is called a bridge, which precisely connects various networks. So, you can transfer balance from one network to another. However, to bring even more security to this type of solution and make these solutions more robust, Nerve has a layer 2 called Nerve Network. Within it, you can find the swap function and also the option for liquidity farming. The interesting point is that some of these pools have the option to stake with incentives that can increase your yield. To use all of this, you basically need one thing: to have a wallet, which can be the Nabox wallet from the #Nuls ecosystem or even Metamask. So, if you're into DeFi and good pools with excellent returns to generate passive income, check out the full video on Nerve's stake farm on the official #Nuls blockchain channel on YouTube.

Hey there! How about an open giveaway for everyone? Yesterday I shared information about a giveaway exclusively for those with theĀ #nabox ID. However, today I noticed through nabox's official Twitter that another giveaway is happening. but this time, it's open to all who want to participate. This giveaway will take place on a slightly more well-known platform called Taskon. To join, simply access the giveaway link, create your account and complete some simple tasks such as; following some social media accounts, joining a group or similar things. The prize will be $1500+ USDT on the BNB Chain network, divided among 80 winners. I know the prize isn't that huge, but since it's free and very easy to participate it can definitely be worthwhile. If you're interested, just head to nabox's official Twitter or access theĀ #nuls Ā Blockchain channel on YouTube, the link to this giveaway will be in the pinned comments of the latest short video posted. $NULS $BTC $ETH
Hey there! How about an open giveaway for everyone?

Yesterday I shared information about a giveaway exclusively for those with theĀ #nabox ID. However, today I noticed through nabox's official Twitter that another giveaway is happening. but this time, it's open to all who want to participate. This giveaway will take place on a slightly more well-known platform called Taskon. To join, simply access the giveaway link, create your account and complete some simple tasks such as; following some social media accounts, joining a group or similar things. The prize will be $1500+ USDT on the BNB Chain network, divided among 80 winners. I know the prize isn't that huge, but since it's free and very easy to participate it can definitely be worthwhile. If you're interested, just head to nabox's official Twitter or access theĀ #nuls Ā Blockchain channel on YouTube, the link to this giveaway will be in the pinned comments of the latest short video posted.

Earn free cryptocurrencies with Nabox ID Everybody loves to earn cryptocurrencies for free. Due to this we are experiencing a significant increase in airdrops and platforms that offer rewards through activities. NABOX Wallet was not left out of this trend, now it has introduced a new feature to NABOX ID. It's essentially a Digital Identity tool in web 3, Now the platform has its own section for creating giveaways, airdrops and other types of rewards, and the best part is that being an open tool you can find tasks from large projects, small projects and even from common people. Moreover you can enter yourself set up your own tasks and rewards and do an airdrop for your community. This feature arrived very recently on NABOX ID. If you want to learn more about it, head over to the #NULS channel which already has a complete video for you. $NULS $BTC $ETH
Earn free cryptocurrencies with Nabox ID

Everybody loves to earn cryptocurrencies for free. Due to this we are experiencing a significant increase in airdrops and platforms that offer rewards through activities. NABOX Wallet was not left out of this trend, now it has introduced a new feature to NABOX ID. It's essentially a Digital Identity tool in web 3, Now the platform has its own section for creating giveaways, airdrops and other types of rewards, and the best part is that being an open tool you can find tasks from large projects, small projects and even from common people. Moreover you can enter yourself set up your own tasks and rewards and do an airdrop for your community. This feature arrived very recently on NABOX ID. If you want to learn more about it, head over to the #NULS channel which already has a complete video for you.

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