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🚨🚨🚨 Bitcoin $BTC , el criptomercado se recuperará en agosto, dice JPMorgan 🚨🚨🚨 JPMorgan dice que el mercado de criptomonedas experimentará un rebote decente a partir de agosto, pero ha reducido los flujos netos en lo que va del año de 12 mil millones de dólares a 8 mil millones de dólares. Los analistas del banco compartieron el nuevo pronóstico para las criptomonedas en una nota de investigación, sugiriendo que las liquidaciones en el mercado de las criptomonedas deberían comenzar a disminuir este mes.  La proyección alcista del gigante de Wall Street se produce mientras los criptomercados continúan en números rojos después de un junio particularmente brutal. El precio de Bitcoin, que alcanzó máximos de 73.000 dólares en marzo, retrocedió fuertemente el mes pasado en medio de la presión de liquidación. Los catalizadores de la caída incluyeron la descarga de BTC por parte de los mineros después de que las recompensas de la red se redujeran a la mitad después de la reducción a la mitad, y la reciente ola de dumping por parte del gobierno alemán. El mercado también reaccionó bruscamente a la noticia de los inminentes pagos de Mt.Gox. BTC actualmente cotiza alrededor de $57,330, una caída de más del 13% en el último mes. En las últimas semanas, Bitcoin ha oscilado cerca de las zonas de soporte, y los analistas sugieren que los bajistas podrían apuntar al área de los 50.000 dólares. JPMorgan revisa a la baja las estimaciones de flujo neto En su nota de investigación a los inversores, los analistas de JPMorgan dijeron que es probable que las liquidaciones se disipen significativamente a finales de julio. Posteriormente, Bitcoin y el mercado criptográfico en general pueden comenzar a subir. Sin embargo, JPMorgan ha revisado sus estimaciones de flujo neto a la baja a 8 mil millones de dólares, expresando escepticismo sobre la proyección anterior de 12 mil millones de dólares. Además de que el precio de BTC es alto en relación con su costo de producción y en relación con el oro, los analistas del banco también destacan la disminución de las reservas de divisas y la presión de venta más amplia como razones clave. La disminución de las reservas de Bitcoin podría atribuirse a liquidaciones, principalmente por parte de acreedores de Gemini o Mt. Gox. Además, el gran volcado del gobierno alemán, que retuvo 50.000 BTC incautados de un sitio de piratería, vendió la mayor parte en las últimas semanas. #BTC☀ #CryptoNewss #BinanceSquareFamily
🚨🚨🚨 Bitcoin $BTC , el criptomercado se recuperará en agosto, dice JPMorgan 🚨🚨🚨

JPMorgan dice que el mercado de criptomonedas experimentará un rebote decente a partir de agosto, pero ha reducido los flujos netos en lo que va del año de 12 mil millones de dólares a 8 mil millones de dólares.

Los analistas del banco compartieron el nuevo pronóstico para las criptomonedas en una nota de investigación, sugiriendo que las liquidaciones en el mercado de las criptomonedas deberían comenzar a disminuir este mes.  La proyección alcista del gigante de Wall Street se produce mientras los criptomercados continúan en números rojos después de un junio particularmente brutal.

El precio de Bitcoin, que alcanzó máximos de 73.000 dólares en marzo, retrocedió fuertemente el mes pasado en medio de la presión de liquidación.

Los catalizadores de la caída incluyeron la descarga de BTC por parte de los mineros después de que las recompensas de la red se redujeran a la mitad después de la reducción a la mitad, y la reciente ola de dumping por parte del gobierno alemán. El mercado también reaccionó bruscamente a la noticia de los inminentes pagos de Mt.Gox.

BTC actualmente cotiza alrededor de $57,330, una caída de más del 13% en el último mes. En las últimas semanas, Bitcoin ha oscilado cerca de las zonas de soporte, y los analistas sugieren que los bajistas podrían apuntar al área de los 50.000 dólares.

JPMorgan revisa a la baja las estimaciones de flujo neto

En su nota de investigación a los inversores, los analistas de JPMorgan dijeron que es probable que las liquidaciones se disipen significativamente a finales de julio. Posteriormente, Bitcoin y el mercado criptográfico en general pueden comenzar a subir.

Sin embargo, JPMorgan ha revisado sus estimaciones de flujo neto a la baja a 8 mil millones de dólares, expresando escepticismo sobre la proyección anterior de 12 mil millones de dólares. Además de que el precio de BTC es alto en relación con su costo de producción y en relación con el oro, los analistas del banco también destacan la disminución de las reservas de divisas y la presión de venta más amplia como razones clave.

La disminución de las reservas de Bitcoin podría atribuirse a liquidaciones, principalmente por parte de acreedores de Gemini o Mt. Gox. Además, el gran volcado del gobierno alemán, que retuvo 50.000 BTC incautados de un sitio de piratería, vendió la mayor parte en las últimas semanas.

#BTC☀ #CryptoNewss #BinanceSquareFamily
See original
La venta de $BTC en Alemania se acerca a su fin y solo quedan 4.925 Bitcoin por transferir Las autoridades alemanas vendieron hoy 10.567 BTC por valor de 600 millones de dólares, lo que contribuyó significativamente a una caída del 18% en el precio de Bitcoin durante el mes pasado, junto con las ventas masivas de Mt. Gox y Genesis Trading. A partir de las 13:00 horas. EST, jueves 11 de julio, las billeteras vinculadas a las autoridades alemanas contienen 4.925 BTC restantes, valorados actualmente en 285 millones de dólares. Esto marca una disminución de más del 90% en los BTC retenidos, por debajo de los 50.000 BTC por valor de casi 3.000 millones de dólares cuando comenzaron a vender los activos hace tres semanas. BTC ha corregido aproximadamente un 18% desde que Alemania comenzó su liquidación de Bitcoin. Las carteras Bitcoin de las autoridades alemanas transfirieron hoy 10.567 BTC por valor de más de 600 millones de dólares a bolsas como Bitstamp, Coinbase y Kraken, así como a otros proveedores de servicios, según datos de blockchain de Arkham Intelligence. A principios de junio, informó que la Oficina Federal de Policía Criminal de Alemania (BKA) originalmente confiscó alrededor de 50.000 BTC de los operadores del popular sitio web de películas de piratería en 2013. La BKA obtuvo el Bitcoin a mediados de enero después de recibir un " traslado voluntario” de los sospechosos. Temores de liquidación Aunque Alemania parece estar acercándose al final de su liquidación, otras entidades aún necesitan vender sus BTC.  Mt. Gox, que fue uno de los mayores intercambios de Bitcoin hasta que colapsó en 2014, comenzó a pagar a sus acreedores después de un proceso de una década. Este pago implica más de 140.000 BTC, 143.000 Bitcoin Cash y 69 mil millones de yenes japoneses, por un total de aproximadamente $9 mil millones. A muchos analistas les preocupaba que el aumento inesperado de la oferta de BTC en el mercado provocara una importante presión a la baja sobre los precios. Temían que muchos acreedores vendieran sus participaciones para asegurar ganancias. Para aumentar la presión, Genesis Trading también ha estado vendiendo activamente BTC durante el último mes. Contribuyendo al aumento de la presión de venta en el mercado. #BTC☀ #CryptoNewss #BinanceSquareFamily
La venta de $BTC en Alemania se acerca a su fin y solo quedan 4.925 Bitcoin por transferir

Las autoridades alemanas vendieron hoy 10.567 BTC por valor de 600 millones de dólares, lo que contribuyó significativamente a una caída del 18% en el precio de Bitcoin durante el mes pasado, junto con las ventas masivas de Mt. Gox y Genesis Trading.

A partir de las 13:00 horas. EST, jueves 11 de julio, las billeteras vinculadas a las autoridades alemanas contienen 4.925 BTC restantes, valorados actualmente en 285 millones de dólares. Esto marca una disminución de más del 90% en los BTC retenidos, por debajo de los 50.000 BTC por valor de casi 3.000 millones de dólares cuando comenzaron a vender los activos hace tres semanas. BTC ha corregido aproximadamente un 18% desde que Alemania comenzó su liquidación de Bitcoin.

Las carteras Bitcoin de las autoridades alemanas transfirieron hoy 10.567 BTC por valor de más de 600 millones de dólares a bolsas como Bitstamp, Coinbase y Kraken, así como a otros proveedores de servicios, según datos de blockchain de Arkham Intelligence.

A principios de junio, informó que la Oficina Federal de Policía Criminal de Alemania (BKA) originalmente confiscó alrededor de 50.000 BTC de los operadores del popular sitio web de películas de piratería en 2013. La BKA obtuvo el Bitcoin a mediados de enero después de recibir un " traslado voluntario” de los sospechosos.

Temores de liquidación

Aunque Alemania parece estar acercándose al final de su liquidación, otras entidades aún necesitan vender sus BTC. 

Mt. Gox, que fue uno de los mayores intercambios de Bitcoin hasta que colapsó en 2014, comenzó a pagar a sus acreedores después de un proceso de una década. Este pago implica más de 140.000 BTC, 143.000 Bitcoin Cash y 69 mil millones de yenes japoneses, por un total de aproximadamente $9 mil millones.

A muchos analistas les preocupaba que el aumento inesperado de la oferta de BTC en el mercado provocara una importante presión a la baja sobre los precios. Temían que muchos acreedores vendieran sus participaciones para asegurar ganancias.

Para aumentar la presión, Genesis Trading también ha estado vendiendo activamente BTC durante el último mes. Contribuyendo al aumento de la presión de venta en el mercado.
#BTC☀ #CryptoNewss #BinanceSquareFamily
See original
¿Por qué está cayendo el precio de Bitcoin $BTC ?🔎 El precio de Bitcoin $BTC cayó hasta $56,355 al momento de escribir este artículo. La volatilidad es extremadamente alta. La principal razón de esto son las continuas ventas de BTC en Alemania. Entonces, ¿qué ha desencadenado este descenso en las últimas horas? Aquí están los detalles. Los 50.000 BTC confiscados por el gobierno alemán se venden por partes desde hace mucho tiempo. El apetito por el riesgo de los inversores se ve significativamente afectado negativamente a medida que suenan las alarmas en la cadena con transferencias continuas. La buena noticia es que la mitad de las reservas totales se fundieron con las últimas ventas institucionales realizadas por la BKA del gobierno alemán. La intensa presión de venta a corto plazo en los mercados puede debilitarse después de que también se venda el BTC restante. Sin embargo, deberíamos ver detalles de que los retornos de MTGOX serán lentos. – Realice un seguimiento de los movimientos de las transferencias de BTC hacia los intercambios. – Esté atento a los programas de ventas del gobierno alemán. – Observe el momento de los retornos de MTGOX y ajuste su estrategia en consecuencia. #BTC☀ #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss #EarnFreeCrypto2024 {future}(BTCUSDT)
¿Por qué está cayendo el precio de Bitcoin $BTC ?🔎

El precio de Bitcoin $BTC cayó hasta $56,355 al momento de escribir este artículo. La volatilidad es extremadamente alta. La principal razón de esto son las continuas ventas de BTC en Alemania. Entonces, ¿qué ha desencadenado este descenso en las últimas horas? Aquí están los detalles.

Los 50.000 BTC confiscados por el gobierno alemán se venden por partes desde hace mucho tiempo. El apetito por el riesgo de los inversores se ve significativamente afectado negativamente a medida que suenan las alarmas en la cadena con transferencias continuas. La buena noticia es que la mitad de las reservas totales se fundieron con las últimas ventas institucionales realizadas por la BKA del gobierno alemán.

La intensa presión de venta a corto plazo en los mercados puede debilitarse después de que también se venda el BTC restante. Sin embargo, deberíamos ver detalles de que los retornos de MTGOX serán lentos.

– Realice un seguimiento de los movimientos de las transferencias de BTC hacia los intercambios.
– Esté atento a los programas de ventas del gobierno alemán.
– Observe el momento de los retornos de MTGOX y ajuste su estrategia en consecuencia.

#BTC☀ #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss #EarnFreeCrypto2024
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions
PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
🔸 News 🚨🚨🚨 With HODLer Airdrops, Binance will distribute airdrop tokens to users who have subscribed to their $BNB via Simple Earn Flexible and/or Locked. 🔸 How to benefit from HODLer Airdrops? Subscribe to your #BNB via Simple Earn Flexible and/or Locked. Wait for your rewards 🎁 Each time Binance launches a HODLer Airdrop, a snapshot of your $BNB balances will be automatically (and randomly) taken in order to assess the rewards you will be eligible for. The airdrop tokens will be directly paid into your Spot wallet, before being listed on Binance. That's right, if you have BNB on Simple Earn, rewards will automatically arrive in your wallet, without any additional action on your part. #BNB_Market_Update #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss
🔸 News 🚨🚨🚨
With HODLer Airdrops, Binance will distribute airdrop tokens to users who have subscribed to their $BNB via Simple Earn Flexible and/or Locked.
🔸 How to benefit from HODLer Airdrops?
Subscribe to your #BNB via Simple Earn Flexible and/or Locked.
Wait for your rewards 🎁
Each time Binance launches a HODLer Airdrop, a snapshot of your $BNB balances will be automatically (and randomly) taken in order to assess the rewards you will be eligible for.
The airdrop tokens will be directly paid into your Spot wallet, before being listed on Binance.
That's right, if you have BNB on Simple Earn, rewards will automatically arrive in your wallet, without any additional action on your part.

#BNB_Market_Update #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @lista_dao Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
$SOL Solana jumps 8% as VanEck files first SOL ETF bid Wealth Manager VanEck has moved to expand its crypto-related suite of offerings with a Solana trust. Spot Bitcoin ($BTC ) ETF Issuer and asset manager VanEck submitted the first-ever bid for a Solana (SOL) exchange-traded fund in the U.S., per a Thursday filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). CoinMarketCap data showed that the price of SOL surged over 8% shortly after the news broke. According to the document, the so-called VanEck Solana Trust will track and reflect the performance of SOL prices as the firm attempts to foray deeper into crypto-backed investment vehicles. Similar to update prospectus submissions for spot Ethereum ($ETH ) ETFs, VanEck’s filing stressed the absence of staking for its Solana Trust.  “Neither the Trust nor the Sponsor, the SOL Custodian, or any other person associated with the Trust will, directly or indirectly, engage in any action where any portion of the Trust’s SOL is used to earn staking rewards, to earn additional SOL or to generate income or other earnings.” read the June 27 SEC filing.  In a statement regarding the application, Matthew Sigel also challenged assertions from the SEC, although indirect, and Michael Saylor’s view that SOL is an unregistered security. Sigel argued that Solana is a commodity just like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Was a Solana ETF inevitable? VanEck likely included this language to comply with perceived SEC direction, which currently leans toward classifying staking activities under federal securities laws. The filing comes ahead of widely anticipated approvals for spot Ether ETFs after the successful launch of several Bitcoin counterparts in January.  Also, VanEck’s application reaffirmed remarks from analysts and industry leaders like Solana co-founder Raj Gokal and Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse, who both said a SOL ETF was merely a matter of time. #SolanaUSTD #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss {future}(SOLUSDT)
$SOL Solana jumps 8% as VanEck files first SOL ETF bid

Wealth Manager VanEck has moved to expand its crypto-related suite of offerings with a Solana trust.

Spot Bitcoin ($BTC ) ETF Issuer and asset manager VanEck submitted the first-ever bid for a Solana (SOL) exchange-traded fund in the U.S., per a Thursday filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). CoinMarketCap data showed that the price of SOL surged over 8% shortly after the news broke.

According to the document, the so-called VanEck Solana Trust will track and reflect the performance of SOL prices as the firm attempts to foray deeper into crypto-backed investment vehicles. Similar to update prospectus submissions for spot Ethereum ($ETH ) ETFs, VanEck’s filing stressed the absence of staking for its Solana Trust. 

“Neither the Trust nor the Sponsor, the SOL Custodian, or any other person associated with the Trust will, directly or indirectly, engage in any action where any portion of the Trust’s SOL is used to earn staking rewards, to earn additional SOL or to generate income or other earnings.” read the June 27 SEC filing. 

In a statement regarding the application, Matthew Sigel also
challenged assertions from the SEC, although indirect, and Michael Saylor’s view that SOL is an unregistered security. Sigel argued that Solana is a commodity just like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Was a Solana ETF inevitable?

VanEck likely included this language to comply with perceived SEC direction, which currently leans toward classifying staking activities under federal securities laws. The filing comes ahead of widely anticipated approvals for spot Ether ETFs after the successful launch of several Bitcoin counterparts in January. 

Also, VanEck’s application reaffirmed remarks from analysts
and industry leaders like Solana co-founder Raj Gokal and Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse, who both said a SOL ETF was merely a matter of time.

#SolanaUSTD #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.

#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
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