💥💥💥 #Shibalnu ($SHIB ) Executive Issues Unexpected Solana Warning

Shiba Inu (SHIB) marketing executive LucieShib has issued a significant warning to the Solana ($SOL ) community concerning the escalating incidents of scams.

Beware of Celebrity Scams

- Lucie, known for her vigilance within the Shiba Inu ecosystem, directed this latest caution specifically at SOL holders, particularly those involved in airdrop activities. According to the SHIB executive, many of the Solana addresses being promoted by celebrity accounts are likely compromised due to recent hacking incidents.

- In typical airdrop scenarios, celebrities publicly share their addresses, prompting community members to send funds with the expectation of receiving an airdrop. However, over the past week, several high-profile social media accounts have been exploited for fraudulent activities.

- One of the prominent victims was the X account of 50 Cent, which was manipulated to defraud investors of approximately $300 million. The American rap star vehemently denied his involvement in the fraudulent activities, clarifying the situation on his Instagram page.

- This wave of scams targeting celebrities has prompted figures like Lucie to raise awareness within their respective communities, offering guidance on how to avoid falling victim to such schemes.

Persistent Crypto Scams

- Despite ongoing efforts to educate the public, the allure of quick profits continues to lure crypto enthusiasts into various scams. Some scams utilize sophisticated techniques like deepfake videos, designed to deceive with startling realism. Notably, the XRP ecosystem & Ripple executives have been frequent targets of these malicious deepfake videos.

- Executives at Ripple, including the CEO & CTO, have periodically cautioned their communities to remain vigilant against such manipulative tactics. As the prevalence of crypto scams shows no signs of diminishing, investors are strongly advised to rely solely on announcements from official social media channels associated with their respective projects.

Source - u.today