The current price of Jasmy Coin (JASMY) is approximately $0.0279, and has fluctuated between $0.02719 and $0.03121 over the past 24 hours ¹. Note that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and subject to rapid fluctuations. Here are some additional details about Jasmy Coin ² ³ ¹ ⁴:
- Market cap: $1,344,084,945 to $1,363,169,325
- 24-hour trading volume: $154.71 million to $171,635,598
- Circulating supply: 48.41999 billion to 49.29999 billion JASMY
- Total supply: 50 billion JASMY
- All-time high: $4.79 to $4.99
- All-time low: $0.002750