Derivatives metrics group:

1️⃣ Futures Perpetual Funding Rate

This mechanism ensures that the price of a futures contract remains close to the price of the underlying asset.

Traders either pay or receive funding to/from the opposite side to keep the contract price aligned with the index price.

Positive Funding Rate: Indicates more long positions; traders are generally optimistic.

Negative Funding Rate: Indicates more short positions; traders are generally pessimistic.

Current situation: On March 31, 2024, the Perpetual Funding Rate (90d) reached its highest value within the current upward trend for Bitcoin.

From April 1 to May 10, 2024, the metric showed continuous decline, indicating a local decrease in the number of long positions.

Globally, the metric remains above "0", suggesting a positive funding rate and more long positions compared to short ones.

The Futures Perpetual Funding Rate has stayed positive for over 430 consecutive days, showing that participants have grown accustomed to BTC's growth.

The excitement peaked in late March with record high funding rates within the upward trend, but has since started to decline. Although participants continue to open long positions, the intensity has reduced compared to a month ago.

Overall, the number of long positions remains high, reflecting very bullish and optimistic sentiments.

Rating: 5/10 in favor of buyers.

The Derivatives metrics group highlights a significant trend in the Futures Perpetual Funding Rate, which reached a peak on March 31, 2024, before continuously declining from April 1 to May 10, 2024.

This indicates a local decrease in the number of long positions, but the metric remains positive overall, suggesting more long positions than short ones and a generally bullish sentiment among traders.

The positive funding rate for over 430 days indicates sustained optimism towards Bitcoin's growth.

Although the intensity of opening long positions has decreased, the overall number of open long positions is still high, reflecting a very optimistic market sentiment.