I made $2.6k on future trading by following this analysis and tips.

1. *Supply and demand*: Understanding the total supply of coins, the rate of new coins being minted, and the demand for the cryptocurrency.

2. *Adoption and usage*: Looking at the number of users, transactions, and the growth of the ecosystem.

3. *Technology and development*: Evaluating the strength of the development team, the quality of the code, and the pace of innovation.

4. *Competition*: Analyzing the competitive landscape and the unique value proposition of the cryptocurrency.

5. *Regulatory environment*: Keeping track of legal and regulatory developments that could impact the cryptocurrency's future.

6. *Financial metrics*: Examining price charts, trading volumes, and market capitalization.

7. *Community and social sentiment*: Assessing the enthusiasm and support of the community, as well as social media sentiment.

8. *Partnerships and collaborations*: Looking at the quality and number of partnerships, and the potential impact on the cryptocurrency's growth.

9. *Security*: Evaluating the robustness of the blockchain and the cryptocurrency's resistance to hacking and other security threats.

10. *Macroeconomic factors*: Considering the impact of global economic trends, geopolitical events, and central bank policies on the cryptocurrency market.