If you are a person who trades, you must have heard this saying not to be fomo. What exactly is this fomo?

FOMO is a combination of 04 words. That means fear of missing out or the fear of losing the opportunity.

Traders often get fomo. When a coin goes in an up movement and a coin goes in a down movement and when the market consolidates without a proper direction. Many traders lose their fund because of this fomo all the time.

You can easily get rid of fomo. It needs to be done.

📌 Making a proper trading plan.

📌 Doing technical and fundamental analysis.

📌 Setting achievable realistic goals as targets.

📌 Maintaining your physiology properly.

📌 Taking a break without continuing while trading.

So I think this will be useful for you. Happy trading guys🌚❤️

Owner: Nimithi

#Nimithitalks #trading #FOMOisReal