Wormhole Coin has been a perplexing investment for many, including myself. Unlike other coins from which I have profited, this coin behaves in a completely opposite manner. Typically, when market indicators suggest a rise, Wormhole Coin inexplicably declines. Its graph and statistics indicate an upward trend, but it consistently disappoints by falling instead.

This erratic behavior is causing a loss of investor interest. The way it's currently performing, there's a strong possibility it might be delisted soon. Recently, it hit an all-time low, and projections indicate it could fall even further. The coin seems to have a strange pattern: the moment investors withdraw their funds, its value rises. This peculiar and frustrating behavior suggests a level of manipulation.

Given my experience, I would strongly advise against investing in Wormhole Coin. Despite my past success with CRV, which I was fortunate to purchase at its all-time low, Wormhole Coin has proven to be unreliable. In contrast, I have invested in Shiba Inu (Shib) during its dip as a long-term investment, expecting more stability and growth.

In conclusion, avoid Wormhole Coin. It lacks potential and appears to be manipulated. It’s a risky investment that doesn't align with typical market behaviors, and I would never invest in it again.