As long your crypto is top 1-200 on crypto bubble DO NOT SELL

You might be new in crypto

those big news you hear , he/she made a million

THEY bought in bear market

MILLIONAIRE are made in bear market

THE market is being manipulated

THEY want to scare you off and buy your BTC at 58-65 THAT rage THEY know it can't be lower

BTC ETF is working Ethereum ETF is not fully running all coin are under Ethereum

ITS almost likely two coin

the rest are peg on this two

ETHEREUM ETF WILL kick off August fully

USA might have a cut July , in the next CME meeting

THEY want to , hold on till late July before they come , in have the cult , Ethereum ETF kick off

Solana and XRP will begin loading

BE wise 😜 CAN we go lower yes

but it will be 58-65 there about

IF you have spell money buy more

DON'T be fooled

it's going to be a blast

Shiba Inu look stupid for the last weeks

but you will be amazed 😁





ITS going to look like competition

THE next move

IT will be breaking news IN all platforms social media , 📻 radio

buy now be at next millionaire on crypto , BUY now , remember sell when it all look good , don't wait for this coin to get to a dollar

WHEN you sell buy